Xin Yi Dao

Xin Yi Dao

Xin Yi Dao originates from Xing Yi boxing which is well known as one of the four main Chinese martial arts styles. Xin Yi Dao forms a system of Chinese national martial arts in modern times. It absorbs the essence of Xing Yi boxing, the Golden Doctrine of the Confucian School, the philosophy of Buddhism and Taoism, as well as the main ideas of Tai Chi and Bagua, and other Chinese martial arts. Based upon 5000 years of traditional Chinese culture, and guided by modern scientific theories, Xin Yi Dao combines physical training with art and culture.

During the Dao Guang period of the Qing Dynasty, Mr. Li Luo Neng, who was a master of Xing Yi boxing, and his disciple Mr. Che Yi Zhai created Xing Yi boxing at Tai Gu county in Shanxi Province, China, and it has since been developing generation after generation.Carrying out the behests of the forefathers, Mr. Yang Fan Sheng established Xin Yi Dao, together with his colleagues Mr. Cheng Su Ren and Mr. Li Tai Liang, and set up the International Xing Yi Dao Development Center in Tai Gu county of Shanxi Province, China, as an evolution of Xing Yi boxing.

The man practicing in the pictures in Mr. Yang Fan Sheng, who has been practicing Xing Yi boxing for more than 50 years, since he was very young. He has made a profound study of Tai Chi, Bagua, and modern arts of attack and defense, and Chinese wrestling. Over the years he has achieved great success in more than 50 martial arts competitions both in China and abroad, and his disciples come from all over the world, such as United States of America, Russia, Latvia, Singapore, Japan, and South Korea.

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