Antoine Pevsner

Antoine Pevsner

Antoine Pevsner (18 January 1886-12 April 1962) was a Russian sculptor and the older brother of Alexii Pevsner and Naum Gabo. Both Antoine and Naum are considered pioneers of twentieth-century sculpture. Among the originators of and having coined the term, Constructivism, and pioneers of Kinetic Art, they discovered a new use for metals and welding and made a new marriage of art and mathematics.

"Art must be inspiration controlled by mathematics. I have a need for peace, symphony, orchestration."- Antoine Pevsner

Pevsner's studio was on the outskirts of Paris and housed his sculptures. He was one of the first to use the blowtorch in sculpture, welding copper rods onto sculptural forms. [The Artist in his Studio1960 Viking Press]

Along with his brother, Naum, he issued the Realist Manifesto in 1920. Works: Projection dymamique; Caracas, Venezuela (1951)



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  • Antoine Pevsner — Antoine Pevsner(18 de enero de 1888 12 de abril de 1962) fue un escultor nacido en Orel,Rusia, hijo de un ingeniero. Junto con su hermano Naum Gabo, recibe una primera formación científica que le aporta el espíritu de investigación con el que… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • Pevsner — is a surname, and may refer to:* Antoine Pevsner (1886 1962), a Russian sculptor * Sir Nikolaus Pevsner (1902 – 1983), a German born British scholar of the history of architecture. * Stella Pevsner, author of children s books …   Wikipedia

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  • Pevsner — /pevz neuhr/; Russ. /pyef snyirdd/, n. Antoine Fr. /ahonn twannn /, 1886 1962, French sculptor and painter, born in Russia (brother of Naum Gabo). * * * (as used in expressions) Naum Pevsner Pevsner Antoine Pevsner Sir Nikolaus * * * …   Universalium

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