Farr 40

Farr 40

Infobox Sailboat Specifications

caption =
class_symbol =
numberofcrew = 9–10 (max 1,675 lb)
loa = convert|40|ft|9|in|m|abbr=on
lwl =
beam = convert|13|ft|3|in|m|abbr=on
draft = convert|8|ft|6|in|m|abbr=on
hull = convert|10917|lb|kg|abbr=on
(ballast 4,945 lb)
mastheight =
mainsail =
jib =
spinnaker =
dpn =
phrf =
portsmouth =
updated =
currentoly =
formerolympic =
The Farr 40 is a 40 foot one-design sailboat designed by Farr Yacht Design in 1996 following after the Mumm 30. It is currently built by US Watercraft. It was originally designed to be an IMS boat, but quickly become popular and developed its own one-design class.

In 1997, the world’s first Farr 40 One Design was launched at Carroll Marine in Newport, R.I. with the hope of creating an exciting new one-design class that could compete on the international stage. By 2008, the class numbers over 137 boats.

The Farr 40 Class maintains an extensive international schedule that revolves around regional fleets in the U.S., Australia, Southern Europe and the Nordic region. In 2007, the European Circuit added three new events—the Nordic Farr 40 Championship in Hankø, Norway (July 5-8); the Skaw Farr 40 Race Week in Skagen, Denmark (July 12-14); and Rolex Baltic Week (August 17–19 in Neustadt, Germany)—in addition to the Rolex Capri Sailing Week (May 16–19 in Capri, Italy) and the Rolex Settimana Della Bocche (June 6–9 in Porto Cervo, Italy), where 21 boats vied for the Farr 40 European Championship. Many teams have planned to participate in the entire European circuit with an eye toward the ultimate competition: the Rolex Farr 40 Worlds.

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