

Zephir might be:

* a fictional character associated with Babar the Elephant

or one of these commercial products:

* rail-road shunting vehicles manufacturer [http://www.zephirspa.com ZEPHIR] (see also Rail car mover)
* a commercial universal infrared remote control system [http://www.thezephir.com/index.htm]
* ZephIR, a lidar wind measuring system developed by QinetiQ. Natural Power have a licence to exploit ZephIR to the wind energy industry [http://www.qinetiq.com/home/commercial/energy/ZephIR.html] , and QinetiQ retains exploitation rights in other markets
* ZEPHIR Anterior Cervical Plate System [http://www.sofamordanek.com/physician-spinal-zephir.html]

or a surname:
* Thierry Zéphir, French scholar of East Asian art [http://www.clio.fr/espace_culturel/thierry_zephir.asp]

"See also Zephyr (disambiguation)".

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • zephir — ou Zephire. Au pluriel, on dit, Les Zephyrs, L un des quatre vents cardinaux que le commun nomme Vent d aval. Sur l Ocean, on l appelle, Vent d Oüest; Sur la mer Mediterranée, Vent du Ponant, du Couchant. Vent d Occident. Quand Zephyr sign. un… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • zéphir — ⇒ZÉPHYR, ZÉPHIR(E), (ZÉPHIR, ZÉPHIRE)subst. masc. A. 1. Littér. Vent d ouest; p. ext., vent doux et agréable. Doux, frais, léger, tiède zéphyr; au moindre zéphyr; parfum, souffle du zéphyr. Quand la tempête fut calmée, nous voulûmes remonter à l… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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