CRUSY, more formally known as the Central Region of United Synagogue Youth is the governing body of United Synagogue Youth, or USY, in Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky Michigan, Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia.

CRUSY Chapters

CRUSY is split up into 28 chapters throughout Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia.


CRUSY holds five conventions yearly. They are: Camp CRUSY, Fall Boards, Fall Kinnus, Specialty Kinnus, and Regional Convention. Camp CRUSY is a Jewish summer-camp experience, with other teens from the region. Fall Boards is a convention dedicated to leadership building within chapter boards. Thus, only chapter board members are allowed to attend. Fall Kinnus and Specialty Kinnus are very similar, as kids are hosted by families within the city that the convention is held, but during Specialty, more emphasis is put on Tzedakah, or charity. Regionals, much heralded as the best convention, is held at a hotel, and encompasses all aspects of the other conventions, but the new Executive Board is elected and installed during the final convention.

A list of conventions during the 2007 - 2008 academic year:
* Camp CRUSY, Camp Wise, Burton, OH.
* Fall Boards, BITUSY
* Fall Kinnus, BGUSY
* Specialty Kinnus, BSUSY
* Regional Convention - B*JUSY

Tentative 2008 - 2009 schedule:
* Camp CRUSY, Camp Wise, Burton, Ohio.
* Fall Boards, AIUSY
* Fall Kinnus, TBA
* Specialty Kinnus, TBA
* Regional Convention, TBA

International USY also holds a yearly convention during the holiday season, known as International Convention, or IC. Anaheim, California , will be the host of the 2007-08 International Convention. CRUSY's Pre-Convention will be held at Shomrei Torah in West Hills, California with Tzafon USY.

ee also

*United Synagogue Youth
*Conservative Judaism
*United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism (USCJ)
*KOACH, the college outreach arm of USCJ

External links

* [ CRUSY's Webpage]

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