Fred Bacon

Fred Bacon

Fred E. Bacon was a late-19th century British runner who won numerous running titles and briefly held the amateur world record for the mile.

Born in Boxted, Essex, Bacon competed for Ashton-under-Lyne Harriers whilst stationed there as a soldier. []

Bacon won the AAA mile title three consecutive years from 1893 [] , his 1895 winning time a world amateur record of 4:17. The record was short-lived, eclipsed by American runner Thomas Conneff the following month.

He additionally won the AAA four-mile title in 1894, [] the 10-mile title in 1895 [] and set a world record in the One-Hour run.

1891 first mention for Ashton Under Lyne Harriers1893 Northern Cross Country Champion1894 running for Essex but usually Ashton Under Lyne Harriers1894 AAA four mile title 19.48.81893 World mile record holder time 4.22.21894 world mile record holder time 4.18.21895 world mile record holder time 4.17.01895 AAA ten miles champion 52:43.8Became professional1896 Won ¾ mile race in 3.02.4 proving sub 4 min mile was possible1896 invited to New York1896 beat Conneff1897 world 1 hour record Rochdale 11 miles 1234 yards 30,000 crowd (beat Deerfoot’s 34 year record.

After his running career ended, Bacon went on to become the trainer for Manchester United Football club until 1912.

There is little information about what Bacon did after leaving Manchester United.

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