Samson and Delilah (1984 film)

Samson and Delilah (1984 film)

"Samson and Delilah" is a 1984 TV remake and adaptation of the biblical story of "Samson and Delilah", starring Max Von Sydow, Belinda Bauer, Antony Hamilton, Daniel Stern and Victor Mature, who played Samson in the 1949 film, having a small cameo as the father of Antony Hamilton's Samson. Based on the novel "Husband of Delilah".


Mostly the same as the original biblical story, but with notable differences such as, once again, the expanded role of Delilah (Bauer), the introduction of the garrison commander (Stern) who is friends with Samson (Hamilton), more focus upon Samson's relationship with his first wife, a different handling of the 30 garments bet, and, perhaps the most crucial alteration is to the climax. In the original story, maintained in the 1949 film and the 1996 TV remake, is that Samson only regains his strength after his hair has grown long again, thus allowing him to tear down the Philistine temple. Here, however, Samson is taken to the Philistine temple just after his hair has been cut short, and he prays to God to restore his immense strength despite his short hair, and God complies, allowing Samson enough strength to tear down the stone pillars, thus destroying the temple.

Unlike the 1949 and 1996 adaptations, Delilah survives to mourn Samson alongside his followers.


The late Antony Hamilton was suffering from a virus while filming the temple crashing climax. Cast and crew were praising him for what they thought was realistic acting on his part, only to have him tell them that he was genuinely weak from being sick.

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