Sihali Jagir

Sihali Jagir

Sihali Jagir is a village and Gram Sabha in Hasanpur Tehsil in the Jyotiba Phule Nagar district of Uttar Pradesh, India.


Sihali Jagir is located at coord|28|47|59|N|78|15|46|E|type:city|display=inline,title. It has an elevation of 207 meters.


As per the 1991 census, Sihali Jagir has an area of 419 km², 760 house hold. The total population is 4588. 2510 are males while 2078 are females. Literacy rates are 24.22% and 8.08% among males and females respectively.


This village is blessed for spiritual cure of Dog-bite.

Now it has become a centre of nursery and horticulture.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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