Ty Ziegel

Ty Ziegel

Infobox Military Person
name= Tyler Ziegel
born= 1982
placeofbirth= Peoria, Illinois

nickname= Ty
allegiance= United States of America
branch= United States Marine Corps
serviceyears= ???-2004
unit=U.S. Marine Corps, 4th FSSG, Co C Engineers
battles=Post-invasion Iraq

Tyler Ziegel (born in 1982) is a United States Marine Corps Sergeant who was seriously injured while serving in Iraq. During his second tour in Iraq in 2004, his unit was attacked by a suicide bomber. Ziegel had been trapped in a burning truck, the heat melted the flesh from his face. He sustained massive injuries, but survived. After returning to the United States, he spent 18 months in Brooke Army Medical Center in Texas.

His injuries led to the loss of his left forearm and of three fingers of his right hand, and he was rendered blind in his right eye. He also sustained widespread severe burns that led to the loss of his ears and much of the tissue on his face. [Citation
last = New York Times
first =
title = Words Unspoken Are Rendered on War’s Faces
access-date = 2007-08-25
] His shattered skull was replaced by a plastic dome, and a face was constructed more or less from scratch with salvaged tissue, holes left where his ears and nose had been. [Citation
last = Times Newspapers Ltd
first =
title = The triumph of love
access-date = 2007-05-22
] Despite the range and severity of his injuries, and after over 50 operations, [Citation
last = Bush
first = Mike
title = Marine, Bride Begin Life Together After Bomb In Iraq Leads To More Than 50 Surgeries
access-date = 2007-05-22
] Ziegel had recovered enough to leave the hospital.

Ziegel married his girlfriend Renee Kline in 2006. They lived together in Illinois up until their separation. Nina Berman's wedding portrait of the couple, " [http://archive.reduxpictures.com/gps.aspx?pid=6416136&aid=1 Wounded Marine Returns Home to Wed] ," won the World Press Photo competition for portraiture in 2007. [cite web |url=http://salon.com/mwt/feature/2007/03/10/berman_photo/ |title=The face of war |accessdate=2007-03-11 |author=Beyerstein, Lindsay |date= |publisher=Salon.com] The World Press Photo competition is widely regarded as the most prestigious international award for photojournalism. [Citation
last = Canon Europe Ltd
first =
title = Enter the 2006 World Press Photo contest
access-date = 2007-05-22

CNN’s “Waging War on the VA" (Nov 17, 2007) reported that Ziegel and Kline separated shortly before their first wedding anniversary. [http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0711/18/siu.02.html]

ee also


External links

* [http://www.ninaberman.com/index3.php?pag=prt&dir=marine Nina Berman gallery of Ty Ziegel photos]
* [http://www.michaelmoore.com/words/latestnews/index.php?id=10524 Wounded warriors face home-front battle with VA]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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