Gunther of Pairis

Gunther of Pairis

Gunther of Pairis [Günther von Pairis, Gunther der Dichter, Guntherus Parisiensis, Guntherus Poeta, Guntherus Cisterciensis.] (c.1150- c.1220) was a German Cistercian monk and author, writing in Latin.

His best known work is his "Historia Constantinopolitana" on the Fourth Crusade, in a mixture of prose and verse. It was based on the account of Martin, abbot of the Abbey of Pairis, including the siege and looting of Constantinople. He wrote also "Solimarius", on the First Crusade, and "Ligurinus", an epic about Frederick Barbarossa.


* Alfred Andrea, editor (1997), "The Capture of Constantinople: The ‘Historia Constantinopolitana’ of Gunther of Paris"


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* [ Crusades Encyclopedia]
* [ Bibliography]
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