Lami F.C.

Lami F.C.

Football club infobox
clubname = Lami F.C.

fullname = Lami Football Club
nickname =
founded = 1978
ground =
capacity = | chairman =
manager =
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Lami F.C. is a Fijian football team playing in the second division of the Fiji Football Association competitions. It is based in Lami, which is a town situated some 10 kilometers from Suva on the island of Viti Levu.

Their uniform includes gold shirt. [cite news|url=|title=FIJI FA District Affiliates]


The Lami Soccer Association was formed in 1978, under the presidency of Johnny Singh.

See also

* Fiji Football Association



* M. Prasad, "Sixty Years of Soccer in Fiji 1938 – 1998: The Official History of the Fiji Football Association", Fiji Football Association, Suva, 1998.

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