Kazimierz Karabasz

Kazimierz Karabasz

Kazimierz Karabasz (born May 6, 1930 in Bydgoszcz, Poland) is a Polish documentary filmmaker.

Although his work is now rarely seen, his most famous film, a 10-minute documentary short entitled "Muzykanci", can be found as an extra on the Criterion Collection edition of Krzysztof Kieslowski's film The Double Life of Véronique. Kieslowski, whom Karabasz mentored, chose "Muzykanci" as one of his personal top ten films of all-time in a 1992 poll conducted by the film magazine Sight & Sound [http://www.sensesofcinema.com/contents/directors/03/kieslowski.html#2] .


* "Jak co dzień" (1955)
* "Gdzie diabeł mówi dobranoc" (1957)
* "Ludzie z pustego obszaru" (1957)
* "Ludzie w drodze" (1960)
* "Muzykanci" (1960)
* "Węzeł" (1961)
* "Na progu" (1965)
* "Rok Franka W." (1967)
* "Krystyna M." (1973)
* "Próba materii" (1981)
* "Cien juz niedaleko" (1985)
* "Pamięć" (1985)
* "Portret w kropli" (1997)

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