Eric Rosen

Eric Rosen

in 2005.

Personal life

Eric S. Rosen was born May 25, 1953 in Topeka, Kansas. He earned his Bachelor's and a Master's Degree with honors at the University of Kansas and his J.D. at Washburn University School of Law in 1984. He is married to Elizabeth A. (Libby) Rosen and has four children, named Paul (32), Jacob (30), Mark (26), and Thomas (19). Paul attended Kansas University, while Jacob and Mark are Kansas State graduates. Eric Rosen also has three grandchildren. [cite web | title =Project Vote-Smart Biography | url = | format = English | accessdate =2007-03-09] He's an active member in the Topeka High School Booster Club, Indian Woods Neighborhood Association, Temple Beth Shalom, and YMCA.

Professional Life

Before attending law school Rosen worked as a social worker for Topeka Public Schools for 3 years and chaired the social work department for 2 years. After graduating from Washburn he became an assistant public defender. Rosen later served as an assistant district attorney in Shawnee County, Kansas and eventually took the office of associate general counsel to the Kansas Securities Commission before entering the private practice of law in 1990. [cite web | title =Office of Judicial Administration Press Release | url = | format = English | accessdate =2007-03-09]

In 1993 Rosen took his first judgeship serving as a State District Court Judge for Shawnee County. He was appointed Chief Justice to the Kansas Sentencing Commission in July 2002. During this time Rosen was a member of Koch Crime Commission, lectured at the Menninger School of Law and Psychiatry, 2004-2005 President of the Sam A. Crow Inns of Court and was appointed Presidential commission charged with commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Brown v. The Board of Education decision. [cite web | title =Kansas Supreme Court Biography | url = | format = English | accessdate =2007-03-09]

In 2005 Governor Kathleen Sebelius appointed Rosen, from a field of twelve applicants, to the Kansas Supreme Court, to replace Justice Robert Gernon who died from cancer. [cite web | title =Fewer State Bar Members Belly Up For Court Vacancy | url = | format = English | accessdate =2007-03-09] He will face his first retention vote in the 2008 election.


* Martin Luther King Living the Dream Humanitarian Award (2002)
* Attorney General's Victim's Service Award for Outstanding Judge (2000)
* "Topeka Capital Journal" Kansan of Distinction For Law (1999)


External links

* [ Official Biography]

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