Alagappa Chettiar College of Engineering and Technology

Alagappa Chettiar College of Engineering and Technology

Infobox University
name = Alagappa Chettair College of Engineering and Technology
established = 1952

type = Constituent college of Anna University
city = Karaikudi
state = Tamil Nadu
country = India
website =

Alagappa Chettiar College of Engineering and Technology (ACCET-Karaikudi) is a major college of engineering in Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, India. It is held directly under the control of the Government of Tamil Nadu. It is a noteworthy fact that the institute has gained AUTONOMOUS status under Anna University - Tiruchirapalli from the academic year 2008-09.Fact|date=October 2008

The college is also a prestigious member institute under the TEQIP - Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme in India. (11 colleges were selected from Tamil Nadu)


Dr. R.M. Alagappa Chettiar a man of rare wisdom and forethought, founded Alagappa Chettiar Educational Trust with the sole aim of developing the backward area of Karaikudi into a centre for higher education and provided necessary funds for the establishment of educational institutions. In 1952 21st July, ACCET started functioning with three faculties-Civil, Mechanical and Electrical and Electronics Engineering. The Foundation tablet for the main building of the college was laid by Dr. Rajendra Prasad, the then President of India on 19th February 1953.On the Occasion of laying of the foundation stone of the Central Electro Chemical Research Institute(CECRI), by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru on 25th July 1948 Dr. Chettiar, in his Welcome address, said"It is my hope to start here an engineering college immediately, a college which God and the University of Madras willing will start functioning with Civil Engineering by the academic year 1949."In 1952, Dr. Chettiar's dream came true. ACCET started functioning from 21st July 1952 with three faculties-Civil, Mechanical and Electrical & Electronics Engineering. Before Dr. Chettiar could bring all his dreams into reality, he passed away.Subsequently, in 1966, the institution was handed over to Govt. of Tamil Nadu.
*In 1969 a new faculty, Electronics and Communication Engineering was started.
*In 1983, M.E. in Microwave and Optical Engineering
*In 1988, Master of Computer Application (M.C.A) was started.
*In 2001, B.E. Degree course in Computer Science and Engineering was also introduced.

The college has become a constituent college of Anna University from 31.12.2001. The college has been recognized as a research centre and about 25 scholars are pursuing research. PG courses in various disciplines are offered from the academic year 2002-03.


The institution has been awarded the status of THE BEST engineering college of 2006-07 in Tamil Nadu. Chief Minister Dr. Kalaignar M. Karunanidhi honoured the Principal in a function at Anna University- Chennai on September 1, 2008 for this cause.



The Engineering courses that are available at the undergraduate level are

* Civil Engineering (accredited by AICTE for 3 years with 5 star statusFact|date=October 2008)
* Mechanical Engieering (accredited by AICTE for 5 years with 5 star statusFact|date=October 2008)
* Electrical & Electronics Engineering (accredited by AICTE for 3 years with 5 star statusFact|date=October 2008)
* Electronics & Communication Engineering (accredited by AICTE for 5 years with 3 star statusFact|date=October 2008)
* Computer Science Engineering (accreditation pending)


* M.E. Optical Communication
* M.E. Computer Aided Design
* M.E. Manufacturing Enginnering
* M.E. Structural Engineering
* M.E. Environmental Engineering
* M.E. Power Electronics and Drives
* M.C.A. Master of Computer Application

Most of the courses are made available with the assistance of the Government of Tamil Nadu, CSIR, AICTE,UGC, UNESCO and World Bank.Fact|date=October 2008

List of Principals of the institution

Infobox University
name = college logo

location= Karaikudi
established= 1952
website =

*1952-'53 Prof. V.S. Jayaraman
*1953-'62 Prof. D.S. Venkanna
*1962-'64 Prof. P.S. Manisundaram
*1964-'65 Prof. A.V. Raghavachar
*1965-'71 Prof. W.P. Vijayaraghavan
*1971-'76 Prof. S. Srinivasan
*1976-'77 Dr. R. Sridhara Rao
*1977-'84 Prof. N.M. Janardhan
*1984-'85 Prof. S. Narayanaswamy
*1985-'86 Prof. M.M. Rahman
*1986-'87 Dr. T.R. Natesan
*1987-'88 Dr. Ing. S.R. Srinivasan
*1988-'91 Prof. A.N. Thomas
*1991-'93 Prof. K.N. Shanmugasundaram
*1993-'96 Dr. P. Balakrishnan
*1996-'98 Dr. E. Ramasamy
*1999-2000 Dr. T.R. Thyagarajan
*2000-2005 Dr. V.M. Periasamy
*2005-2006 Dr.R.Lakshmipathy
*From 2006 Dr.R.Sundararajan


Mechanical Engineering


The department of mechanical engineering has grown by leaps and bounds right from its inception with the primary objective of providing world-class education.Fact|date=October 2008 The department is the first in the state to offer a B.E degree in mechanical engineering since 1952Fact|date=October 2008. From the very beginning, the department has been offering excellent infrastructure facilities to meet the burgeoning demands of the industryFact|date=October 2008. The department offers excellent academic environment with highly motivated faculty that inspires the students to develop their technical skills. The department have consistently served as the genesis of engineers of excellent calibre in the field of mechanical engineering for five decades.


* Computer Laboratory
* CAD/CAM and product process Laboratory
* Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery Laboratory
* Heat Power Laboratory
* Metrology Laboratory


The department presents SYNETICS, a magazine which reflects our students thoughts and creative ideas both in engineering and management fields. Some latest management topics like JIT, KANBAN, TPM, TQM, etc., are given some special weight age in this magazine. No doubt, this department was, is and will be the repositorium of rich prospectsFact|date=October 2008.

Electrical & Electronics


The department of “Electrical and Electronics Engineering” became functional from the day of inception of this institution. The department had a active role in pioneering the growth and prosperity of this institution. The department is backed by a rich collection of faculty members with expertise knowledge and training in various branches of this disciplineFact|date=October 2008.


* Power LaboratoryThe power lab is known for its state of art facilitiesFact|date=October 2008. The lab houses a collection of imported AC & DC machines manufactured by ABB, GEC, Parkinson, Crompton, Westing House Electrical Corporation, etc., The lab lays a foundation for the study of electrical machines, their characteristics, applications and testing of such equipments. The lab is also best suited for fundamental and advanced research and training.
* Electronics LaboratoryTo keep in the pace with the explosive development in semiconductor technology a comprehensive learning approach and a conceptual understanding of underlying facts becomes indispensable. The electronics laboratory provides a solid foundation for aspiring professionals providing a platform for behavioural study of various semiconductor devices, design and testing of various analog and digital circuitry, design and implementation of high power operation. The laboratory houses a variety of electronic equipments including storage Oscilloscopes, Stroboscope, IC trainer kits, collection of analog and digital machining equipments and peripherals for design and testing of circuitry.
* Microprocessor LabTo strive in the era of computers, a comprehensive knowledge about interfacing and assembly language programming has become vital. Microprocessor technology finds immense application as an industrial control tool forming the backbone of the computing revolution. The microprocessor lab is intended to impart fundamental knowledge of microprocessors, employing microprocessors as an industrial control tool, exploiting the functionality of microprocessors to provide a variety of applications. The lab is blocked up by, trainer kits like Z80, 8085, 8086, 80286, MC6800; Dedicated controllers like 8051; Circuit emulation equipments; Computer aided IC testing, Microprocessor based measuring equipments.
* Control LaboratoryThis lab features the following: Stepper motor, Amplidynes, Tachogenerators, Transfer function analysers, Servo motors, Level process work station, PID controllers, Thyristors controllers, Sun tracking cum solar power generation systems.
* Computer LaboratoryThe primary motive of the computer laboratory is to get the students acquainted with the most basic and advanced concepts in the field of computers and information technology. The lab is equipped with modern Pentium processors base machines with a variety of peripherals like colour printers, scanners and host of application and development software like C, C++, JAVA, Visual Studio and Circuit analysing software like PCB EXPRESS, SPICE, VHDL, Electronic Workbench, MATLAB etc.,

Electronics and Communication


Providing the prime technology required for survival in the ever expanding field of communication engineering, the electronics and communication department of our college has emerged as one of the leading contenders in producing highly trained and qualified professionals who never fail to deliver in the realms of success and glory. After being for more than three decades into existence, it finds an esteemed place for itself as one among the best in the country with state of the art lab facilities and excellent faculty. The newly revised syllabus also aptly quenches the students’ quest for knowledge by providing a rich blend of both electronics and computing fields.


* Electronic devices and circuits laboratoryLaying a strong foundation for electronic engineers, the laboratory makes the students understand the fundamentals of electronic devices. Furthermore, it stresses on designing electronic circuits. The laboratory equips Dual Trace Oscilloscopes, Digital storage Oscilloscopes & High frequency Signal generators.
* Communication LaboratoryImparting a high level knowledge in the vast expanding field of communication engineering, this slab caters to the need of the students, the most relevant parts of Analog & Digital Communication. It also accomplishes an expanded treatment of modulation techniques such as PCM, PIM, ASK, FSK, & PSK etc., enhanced by trainer kits.
* Microwave and Optical Engineering LaboratoryBesides providing a thorough coverage of the principles and applications necessary to understand the complex and diverse world of microwave and optical engineering, this lab gives the foundation in the communication field. The lab equips ten microwave test benches, spectrum and network analysers.
* Signal processing laboratoryIn this newly inducted lab, a detailed study of modulation techniques, filter design using window functions, 2D image processing, wave generation using TMS320C25 processors and implementation of FFT using DIT and DIF algorithms (using C language) is made. DSP chips and micro 50EB, a 16 bit DSP trainer with LCD display based on Texas instruments enable the user to learn the basis of DSP.
* Microprocessor laboratoryExplosive development and exciting progress has occurred in the field of microprocessors and microprocessor laboratory of our college strives to keep in pace with technology by providing 8085, 8086 trainer kits for the students to gain sound basics. The high speed power product and interfacing facilities of high generation microcomputers are useful for real-time control and distributed processing networks.
* Computer laboratoryThis lab is well suited to give us a solid grounding in the emerging paradigm of software field. This lab covers straight forward applications and presents the basic notions of the object oriented programming, Windows programming ( SDK, MFC, VB, & Data Base Management). Equal Emphasis is placed on both the abstract and concrete versions of Internet and web-technology utilising the JAVA package. The Soft wares have been properly pruned and updated to enable the students to utilise them to the fullest extent.

* Key Features Fact|date=October 2008
** Pentium III PC clients networked to Windows NT server.
** A separate network of PCs under Novell Netware.
** Digital Camera and image processing software for realising digital image processing.
** Latest software including JAVA 2.0, ORACLE 8i, Microsoft Products etc.,
** MATLAB software for working with signal processing, biomedical instrumentation etc.,
** VLSI design through software is facilitated.
** Inevitable peripherals like LASER printers, Plotters, Scanners, and CD-Writers.



The department of civil engineering was incepted way back in 1952. This department offers undergraduate programs (both full time and part time). The department also offers computer-aided design of structures (CAD), design and optimization technique and also a brief introduction to expert systems (Artificial intelligence and inference mechanisms).


* Strength of materials laboratory This lab has an impressive arrangement of imported machines mostly from Switzerland, UK, Germany and USA in addition to Indian machines. It is the best and biggest kind of laboratory of this kind in the south of Tamilnadu. This laboratory is well equipped to offer an excellent practical training to the students.

* Concrete laboratoryIn this laboratory facilities are available for students to have awareness on quality, consistency and setting time of cement; quality and grading of fine and course aggregates; quality and strength of tiles, etc., and on their properties including mix designs.

* Geo-technical laboratoryThis laboratory provides strong foundation to the students in soil investigations like compaction, shearing strength, stress distribution, permeability, particle size distribution etc.,

* Environmental engineering laboratoryThis laboratory is well equipped with the modern and sophisticated equipments for analyzing water and sewage. Some of the equipments are B.O.D incubator, nephelometer, digital flame photometer, spectrophotometer, conductivity meter and jar test apparatus.

* Geology laboratoryThe geology laboratory has a museum containing good collections of 1000 specimens of minerals, rocks and fossils. The laboratory has been equipped with petrologic microscope, u-v lamp, mirror and packet stereoscopes etc.,

* Computer laboratoryThe department has its own well equipped computer centre. The students have excellent opportunities to develop their programming skills and many of them are dexterous in FORTRAN, C, and C++. This laboratory facilitates the students particularly in the civil engineering software packages like STAAD-III, NISSAN, STAR DYNE, 3D HOME, AUTOCAD-2000, AUTO CIVIL and SCADSS.

Computer Science


At the dawn of the millennium, the institution’s dream project has come into existence. The department of computer science and engineering is functioning with an excellent infrastructure and latest technology. The department is equipped with latest Pentium processors and other hardware with updated software. This department is an IT boon to the Acians. We are proud to inform that our college is the only Govt. Engg. College in Tamil Nadu running the MCA course from 1988. As a part of introduction into the industry environment, students are encouraged to undergo in-plant training or project work during the summer vacations. This enables them to get an opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge to real world objects.


* Computer LaboratoryThe department has three computer labs consisting of 120 systems and two servers (latest) with networking and all the latest software. Proposals have been processed for bringing leased line internet connectivity for a computer lab in order to keep in pace with software technology and will be implemented shortly. At present a 128kbps ISDN connection is available. Planning is in progress for bringing 24 hours lab facility.
* Hardware LaboratoryThis lab consists of microprocessor kits and other PC (learning models) hardware required for providing through knowledge about computer hardware to students. The department has got facility for EDP & CAD learning for advanced graphics and image processing.


Engineering Associations

Each discipline of engineering has its associations which organizes seminars and symposia on technical topics. Papers are presented at the meeting by student members, staffs and experts in the respective field. In order to develop the latent talents of first year students, humanities and science association functions.







tudents Association

The students association is the general association intended to promote the cultural activities of the students with large perspective. Elected representatives from various classes and the staff advisors constitute the association. The activities of the students association and other affiliated associations are supervised by the respective staff advisors, nominated by the principal. They generally assist the principal in carrying out the activities.

The following associations are affiliated to the students association.
* Tamil MandramThe Tamil mandram is intended to create interest in Tamil language and literature. The mandram invites eminent scholars to address the members and periodically conducts competitions.
* Fine ArtsThe association provides scope for the students to develop and exhibit their histrionic talents
* Photographic societyThe society is primarily intended to provide facilities for the interested students to learn the art of photography. A well equipped dark room is available. The membership fee is Rs.50/- per year.


Tech-lit is an association with the objective of providing a common platform for development of personality traits such as communication skills ,self confidence, public speaking, inter personal relationships. The organizing committee consists of elected students and staff in charge. The activities of the association are conducted in the college campus, off the college hours every week. Interested students from second and third year can become members. This association initiated by students with first thirty members ,ten years ago, has grown to the size of two hundred members now.


Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) students chapter of the college was inaugurated on 21st July 2004. It is the only national organization of educators in the field of engineering and technology which aims to assist and contribute in the production and development of top quality professional engineers and technicians needed by the industries and other organizations. Being an interdisciplinary organization with head quarters in New Delhi, most of the students (Both UGs and PGs) are its members. Seminars, innovative projects, industrial visits and handsome training to the students are the future plans which helps the budding engineers to become Master Minds.


The Department of Placement and Training of the college functions with a Placement Officer. The Department maintains information regarding career opportunities for fresh Engineering graduates. It provides information to the out-going graduates as well as the unemployed old students of this college about the availability of suitable employment opportunities and helps them to communicate with the perspective employers to seek employment.

The department arranges campus interviews and employment tests periodically with various organizations for the final year students to get employment immediately after graduation and to become familiar with employment interviews and tests which they may still have to face in future. The department arranges interviews for the pre-final year and final year students for the direct entry into the Indian Navy under the University Entry Scheme. The department also secures for the civil engineering graduates in Govt. Departments like Highways Department and Public Works Department.

Placement 2003-04

List of Recruiters during the academic year 2003-2004
* Wipro Technologies
* TVS Motors & Sundaram Clayton Ltd
* ELGI Equipments, Coimbatore.
* Brakes India Ltd, Chennai.
* Sanmar Engineering Corporation, Chennai.
* Accenture, Bangalore.
* Hindustan Motors, Chennai.
* UCAL Fuel Systems Limited
* Titan Industries
* Sasken Communications
* SCM Technologies
* Futuresoft Technologies
* Jain Constructions Limited

Placement 2004-05

List of companies

* HCL Technologies
* Wipro Technologies
* Cognizant Technology Solutions
* Satyam Computer Services Ltd
* Caritor India Ltd
* Ramco Systems
* Saint Gobain Glass India Ltd
* Hexaware Technologies
* Sundaram Clayton Ltd
* L-Cube Innovative Solutions Pvt Ltd

** [ Placements 2008]
** [ Placements 2007]

Accet Alumni

Alagappa Chettiar College of Engineering and Technology Old Students Association is intended to keep alive contacts between the old students of this college and the college itself. Previously it was called as Alagappa Chettiar College of Engineering and Technology Old Boys Association or in short ACCETOBA but now it is re-christened as ACCETOSA -Alagappa Chettiar College Of Engineering and Technology Old Students Association.

Very recently, there was a get-together arranged for the purpose of bringing the golden and silver jubilee batches together within the campus.

External links

* [ ACCET On the Web]
* [ Affiliation details (chennai)]
* [ Affiliation details (tiruchy)]
* [ Affiliation details (coimbatore}]

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