Sophie Watillon

Sophie Watillon

Infobox musical artist 2
Name = Sophie Watillon

Img_capt =
Birth_name =
Born = Namur, Belgium, December 7, 1965
Died = Namur, Belgium, August 31, 2005
Occupation = Viola da gamba-player
Genre = Early music
Years_active =
Instrument = Viola da gamba
Label =
During her young life the Belgian viola da gamba-soloist Sophie Watillon (December 7, 1965 – August 31, 2005) gained international fame with refined and sensitive solo interpretations of Early Music and Baroque compositions for viola da gamba.

"Sophie Watillon" was born in Namur, Belgium in a musical family.

At the age of sixteen, she started studying with Philippe Pierlot in Maastricht, and then further with Wieland Kuijken in Brussels and with Paolo Pandolfo at Schola Cantorum, Basel.

Beside her solo career "Watillon" was a permanent member of Hesperion XXI, La Capella Reial de Catalunya and Le Concert des Nations of Jordi Savall.

She played with various ensembles such as Il Seminario Musicale, Cantus Cölln, Le Poème Harmonique, Ricercar Consort, Stylus Phantasticus...

Academic career

*Professor viola da gamba Escola Superior de Musica de Catalunya, Barcelona


"(labels: Alpha - Summit records - Ligia Digital - Ricercar - Cyprès)"

*Recordings with Philippe Herreweghe
*Numerous recordings with Hesperion XXI, La Capella Reial de Catalunya and Le Concert des Nations, Jordi Savall

Recordings with Ricercar Consort

* 1988 : "Deutsche Barock Kantaten (III)" (Schein, Tunder, Buxtehude)
* 1989 : "Deutsche Barock Kantaten (V)" (Hammerschmidt, Selle Schein, Schütz, Tunder, Weckmann, Lübeck)
* 1989 : "Motets à deux voix" of Henri Dumont
* 1992 : "Die familie Bach" (with Collegium Vocale and Capella Sancti Michaelis)
* 1995 : "Matthäus Passion (1672)" of Johann Sebastiani (Deutsche Barock Kantaten XI)

Recordings done under the direction of Sophie Watillon

* 1994 : "The Art of the Viola bastarda, song and dance in music for viol in Italy"
**Ortiz: "Improvisations and Recercadas on La Folia, Doulce mémoire, The Passamezzo Antico, The Passamezzo Moderno"
**Sandrin: "Doulce mémoire"
**Ruffa: "La Danza, La Piva, La Gamba"
**Rore: "Ancor che co'l partire"
**Dalla Casa: "Rognoni"
**Bassani: "Cosi le chiome"
**Bonizzi: "Hellas comment"
**Selma Y Salaverde: "Vestiva i colli"
**Corelli: "Sonata La Follia, op. 5, no. 12"
* 2000 : "Pièces de viole - Pièces de Théorbe" of Nicolas Hotman

Recordings with Le Poème Harmonique

* 1999 : "L'Humaine Comédie" of Estienne Moulinié
* 2002 : "Le Consert des Consorts" of Pierre Guédron

Recordings with Stylus Phantasticus

* 2001 : "Zeichen im Himmel" of Philipp Heinrich Erlebach


*Société Française de Viole []
*Alpha records []
*Abeille Info []
*Proxi-Liège []

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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