

"Áššu" is a Northern Sámi language newspaper that is published twice a week, on Tuesdays and Fridays, in Guovdageaidnu, and is distributed in an area that stretches across Norway, Sweden and Finland. The newspaper was published by Aviisa AS, owned itself by Nordavis AS, with a 35.0% share). It is now owned by "Altaposten", a Norwegian language newspaper based in Alta ["Altaposten" also owns "Radio Alta" and "TV Nord".] , with Rolf Edmund Lund as editor-in-chief, the Norgga Sámiid Riikasearvi and the Norgga Boazosápmelaččaid Riikkasearvi" (Norwegian Sámi Reindeer Herders' Association).

"Áššu" and "Min Áigi" were both established in 1993.

Merger on course

"Áššu" and contender "Min Áigi" announced on August 27, 2007 [ [http://www.nrk.no/kanal/nrk_sami_radio/1.3202540 NRK Sámi Radio: «Samiske aviser slås sammen» "(Sámi newspapers to merge).] ] , that they were to merge to allow the launch of a new daily newspaper in Sámi language, with a new editor-in-chief. The first issue of the new newspaper Ávvir was released on February 6, 2008.

This merger is seen by both parties as the only economic, realistic future, though the new paper will have higher production costs, said "Min Áigi" 's chairman Magne Svineng in a press conference. "Áššu" and "Min Áigi" will own each 33% of the new paper. The new title will keep the present bureaus in Kárášjohka and Guovdageaidnu.


* 2002: 1,129
* 2003: 1,117
* 2004: 1,084
* 2005: 1,021
* 2006: 975 [ [http://mediebedriftene.no/index.asp?id=71672 Source: "Avisenes leser- og opplagstall for 2006", Mediebedriftenes Landsforening (Norwegian Media Association)/TNS Gallup Norway] .]

ee also

Min Áigi


External links

* [http://www.altaposten.no/ Altaposten "(bokmål)"]
* [http://www.nrk.no/kanal/nrk_sami_radio/1.3206905 «Ønsker samisk dagsavis velkommen - Både Norske Samers Riksforbund og avisa Ságat ønsker en ny samiskspråklig dagsavis velkommen.» "(A Sámi daily welcome — Both the Norwegian Sámi Federation and "Ságat" paper welcome the new Sámi language daily newspaper)"]

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