Projeto Talon

Projeto Talon

Projeto Talon (Project Talon) is the name of one of Brazil's special operation units tasked with counter terrorism. Brazil has maintained a CT response capability since 1953, when the Ministry of Aviation formed its own unit to combat hijackings. As the number of international terrorist incidents grew both in number and visibility, the Brazilian government recognizing the need for a team able to respond to a wider variety of situations. It was out of this new mindset that the Project Talon was born. Volunteers for this duty are carefully screened by a discriminating selection board. Only those who have served in airborne or special operations units are permitted to take part in the 14 day selection program. It has been reported that this program has an attrition rate of somewhere near 90 percent. Those students who pass this initial phase are then sent on to a thirteen week training evolution located at a camp outside of Rio de Janeiro.

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