Al Sharei

Al Sharei

Al Sharei (الشرع) is an old Arabic tribe who live in the village of Jammain a suburb of the city of Nablus in the Palestine. They belong to the mother tribe of Al Zeitawi. Al Zetawi is an old Arabic tribe that arrived to area after coming from Mecca. It is believed that the Zeitawi tribe are a direct descendants of Muhammad.


*cite book |last=الدباغ|first= مصطفى مراد |title=بلادنا فلسطين|publisher=جمعية الخريجين|location=الخليل|year=1989

title =مجلة النمدن لإسلامي
year = 1961
place= دمشق, سوريا

last = نابلسي
first = الشيخ عبدالغني
title = الحضرة الآنية في الرحلة القدسية
date=1101 هجري
place= نابلس

*cite book
last = الحموي
first = ياقوت
title = معجم البلدان
publisher = دار الكتب
date = 1938
location = القاهرة

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