house officer — house ,officer noun count BRITISH someone who has recently gained a qualification as a doctor and is working in a hospital while continuing their training … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
house officer — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms house officer : singular house officer plural house officers British someone who has recently gained a qualification as a doctor and is working in a hospital while continuing their training … English dictionary
house officer — noun Britain : intern IV 1b * * * ˈhouse officer f135 [house officer] noun (in Britain) a doctor who has finished medical school and who is working at a hospital to get further practical experience … Useful english dictionary
house officer — A person with a medical degree employed by a hospital to provide service to patients while receiving training in a medical specialty. * * * house of·fi·cer .äf ə sər, .ȯf n an intern or resident employed by a hospital … Medical dictionary
house officer — noun Brit. a recent medical graduate receiving supervised training in a hospital and acting as an assistant physician or surgeon … English new terms dictionary
Foundation House Officer — A Foundation House Officer is a grade of medical practitioner in the United Kingdom undertaking the Foundation Programme a two year, general postgraduate medical training programme which forms the bridge between medical school and… … Wikipedia
Pre-registration house officer — In the UK until 2005 pre registration house officer (often abbreviated to PRHO, houseman, or house officer) was the name of the only jobs that were open to medical graduates, who had just passed their final examinations at medical school and had… … Wikipedia
Senior house officer — A senior house officer (SHO) is a doctor undergoing specialist training in the United Kingdom National Health Service. A doctor typically works as an SHO for 2 3 years, or occasionally longer, before becoming a registrar. SHOs need to be in posts … Wikipedia
house officer/physician/surgeon — see Doctor … The new mediacal dictionary
house — n. & v. n. (pl.) 1 a a building for human habitation. b (attrib.) (of an animal) kept in, frequenting, or infesting houses (house cat; housefly). 2 a building for a special purpose (opera house; summer house). 3 a building for keeping animals or… … Useful english dictionary