San Nicolas (Pamplona burg)

San Nicolas (Pamplona burg)

San Nicolás (Saint Nicolas in English) is one of the three burgs that were joined in 1423 to form the modern city of Pamplona (Iruña in Basque). The others were "Navarrería" (Navarrian-town)and "San Cernin".


San Nicolás limits to the north with the Navarrería burg, in the south by "Paseo Sarasate" (Sarasate Boulebard), in the east is "Plaza del Castillo" (Castle Square) and in the west by "Parque de la Taconera" (Taconera Park).


San Nicolás was founded in the 12th century by a group of weavers and turners. The new burg was initially called "Tencerías" (from the old Spanish word "Tencero", Weaver). In 1366, when the first census of the city was accomplished, there were 29 families living there. But the population grew quickly and in 1427 there were 64 families living there.

In 1423 there were some streets that had the same name but were in different burgs. There were two or three Main Street, Carpenters' street, Butchers' street, Shoemakers' street and some more. The reason is that in these times it was very usual to call the street by the name of the shops and business that were there. San Nicolás had the oldest streets because Navarrería and San Cernin had had a war and they had destroyed buildings, streets and churches. So, the king Charles III of Navarre decided to change the names of the streets in Navarrería and San Cernin.

Pablo de Sarasate, a famous violinist, was born in San Nicolás Street, where a tributary plaque in his honour can be found.

List of streets in San Nicolás burg

Calle Nueva (New Street)

Plaza del Consejo (Counsel Square)

Calle Zapatería (Shoemakers' street)

Calle Pozoblanco (White Pit Street)

Plaza Comedias (Comedies street)

Plaza de San Nícolás (Saint Nicolas Square)

Rincón de San Nicolás (Saint Nicolas Little Square)

Calle de San Nicolás (Saint Nicolas Street)

Calle de Indatxikia (Indatxikia Street)

Calle San Miguel (Saint Micael Street)

Calle San Antón (Saint Anthon Street)

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