Memiş Aga Mansion

Memiş Aga Mansion

Hadji Yakupoğlu memĭş Agha Mansion :Hacı Yakupoğlu Memiş Agha was born in Balıklı village of Sürmene in 1799 or 1804 AD.He is the son of Hadji Yakup Agha* who is the last chief landowner of the region. In 1814, owing to harassment of the other tribe aghas, Yakup Agha emigrates to İstanbul, then he emigrates from there to Romania. At the age of 15 –as a brave teenager- Memiş Aga completely takes the control of the region by putting up resistance to these Aghas who take his father away from his country. With approval as Ayan* landowner, Memiş Agha is entrusted by Ottoman Empire in 1819. By 1824 Ayan landownership of Memiş Agha is supported and strengthened with new powers so control of nearby settlement areas is turned over him. By given the rank of captain in 1846, he becomes the representative of military forces in the region. He is entrusted by Ottoman Empire to catch and to deliver the deserters in 1854. Memiş Agha Mansion was constructed by Memiş Agha himself 10 years later on that he had been rewarded with rank of captain and had joined the army. 1846+ 10 = 1856 is the construction year of the Memiş Agha Mansion.
*AYAN: plural form of Ayn in Arabic Language, it means observers, authorized people.
*AGHA: It is synonymous with landowner.

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The little town of Sürmene (Hamurgan) is situated some 40km/25mi east of Trabzon. Known in antiquity as Susarmia or Augustopolis, it lies on the River Kora (Manahoz Deresi) and is best known as the place where Xenophon and his Ten Thousand fell sick after eating wild honey, an event which was confirmed by the local people. In the village of Sürmene Kastil, 5km/3mi to the west of Sürmene, stands a ruined medieval castle as well as the impressive 18th century Yapukoglu Konagi mansion (Derebeyli Kale). It was formerly the seat of the Yapukoglu family, who lived here as rulers (derebey) of the surrounding region relatively free of interference from the Sublime Porte in Istanbul.

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