- Grønsund
Grønsund is a channel in
Denmark separating the islandFalster from the islandsMøn andBogø . Grønsund's maximum depth is at approx. 20 metres and the width is between 1 - 4 km.Storstrømmen channel is situated to the west andStege Bugt lies to the north betweenZealand and Møn. A ferry crosses the channel in the summertime fromStubbekøbing to Bogø island. Grønsund has several shallow areas, i.e. near Bogø, and has a strong and alternating current. Both submersed and riparianvegetation is rich, and the sound is an important breeding area for wildlife and fish. Many shore birds, including cormorants, mute swans, greylag geese, pintails, shovelers, eiders, avocets, several species of waders, as well as gulls and terns are breeding in the area. Theporpoise lives in the area.Oil spill
March 29 2001 , the oil tanker "Baltic Carrier" collided with the bulk carrier "Tern" in the western Baltic Sea, near the naval border between Germany and Denmark, and 2700 tons of bunker oil leaked from the cargo tanks into the open sea. The oil slick drifted towards the Danish shorelines and the most seriously affected area became Grønsund.ources
* [http://ec.europa.eu/environment/civil/marin/reports_publications/uk140.pdf Environment report, The “Baltic Carrier” Oil Spill.]
* [http://www.dof-storstroem.dk/Status%20og%20forvaltning.pdf Status and management of important areas for breeding birds at the coasts of Storstrøms County, Denmark.]
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