

Wikalong is a web site and its accompanying software that allow commenting on any page using a wiki. The comment pages can describe, discuss or complement in any form the associated web page. As with Wikipedia, anyone can add or modify content, and often discussions are seen within the wiki pages.

For example, in http://www.whitehouse.gov/ (modification of 13-Oct-04) Wikalong shows the following comment [http://en.wikalong.org/index.cgi?f5ea1b9f9af977f9383b4fede769b796] : "I find it odd that the official website of the US presidency is used for campaign propaganda."

On the other hand in http://www.google.com (modification of 14-Jan-05) you can see something similar to a Wikipedia article [http://en.wikalong.org/index.cgi?ff90821feeb2b02a33a6f9fc8e5f3fcd] : "Google is one of the largest and most effective search engines in the world."

The easiest way to use Wikalong is as an extension for Mozilla Firefox and Mozilla that shows a miniature wiki in the sidebar as the user browses the Internet. As of January 2006, the current version of Wikalong supports Firefox 1.5.

External links

* [http://www.wikalong.org/ Homepage for Wikalong]
* [http://hwi.ath.cx/wikalong_redirect.html Bookmarklets in hwi.ath.cx]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Wikalong — es un sitio web y un software que permiten comentar cualquier página web usando un wiki. Estas páginas de comentarios pueden ser usadas como páginas de descripción, páginas de discusión, libros de visitas o cualquier otro uso que se le quiera dar …   Enciclopedia Universal

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