Persuasion Ep

Persuasion Ep

Infobox Album | Name = Persuasion Ep
Type = album
Artist = Billie Ray Martin

Released = 1993, re-issued 2003
Genre = Industrial / Soundscapes
Label = Guerilla, Stahl 2
Producer = Spooky
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"Persuasion" was released in 1993 on Guerilla Records as a collaboration between singer Billie Ray Martin and Spooky. It was re-issued in 2003 with the addition of a mix previously available only on a compilation. It is a cover of a song originally written and recorded in 1979 by Throbbing Gristle.

Track listing

#"Persuasion 7 Inch Mix"
#"Persuasion D.O.P. Mix"
#"Persuasion Chameleon Dub"
#"Persuasion Chameleon Mix"
#"Original Version"
#"Spookybillie's Ventriloquist Mix"
#"Trance Europe Express Mix"

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  • persuasion — [ pɛrsɥazjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1315; lat. persuasio 1 ♦ Action de persuader. Il vaut mieux agir par la persuasion que par la force. Cet orateur a un grand pouvoir de persuasion. (Sujet chose) Dans un livre, la beauté « agit par persuasion, comme le… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Persuasion — Per*sua sion, n. [L. persuasio; Cf. F. persuasion.] 1. The act of persuading; the act of influencing the mind by arguments or reasons offered, or by anything that moves the mind or passions, or inclines the will to a determination. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • persuasion — Persuasion. s. f. Action des personnes ou des choses qui persuadent. L orateur & l éloquence ont pour but la persuasion. ce Predicateur a le don de persuasion. agir à la persuasion d un autre. Il signifie aussi, Ferme croyance. J ay fait cela… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

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