- Beneberak
Mentioned as one of the cities in the portion of the
Tribe of Dan (Joshua 19:45), Beneberak is famous in theTalmud ("Sanhedrin " 32b) as the seat ofRabbi Akiva 's court, and in thePassover "Haggadah " as the site of the all-night "Seder " of Rabbi Akiva and his distinguished colleagues.The city had an agricultural dimension as well, as appears from the account ("
Ketubot " 111b) of the sageRami bar Yechezkel who declared that he understood the meaning of theTorah 's description of the "Land of Israel " as a "land flowing with milk and honey" after witnessing a scene during a visit to Beneberak. He observedgoat s grazing beneathfig trees. Thehoney oozing from the very ripe figs merged with the milk dripping from the goats and formed a stream of milk and honey.The ancient Beneberak was not in the same location as the current namesake,
Bnei Brak, Israel .ee also
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