back where you started — phrase in the same place or situation where you were before, without making any progress After nearly 20 years in politics, he’s back where he started. Thesaurus: words used to describe difficult situationssynonym Main entry: start … Useful english dictionary
back where you started — in the same place or situation where you were before, without making any progress After nearly 20 years in politics, he s back where he started … English dictionary
back — 1 adverb 1 RETURN in or into the place or position where someone or something was before: Freddie was supposed to be back at the hotel by six. | Put that book back where you found it! | We d better go back, she said regretfully. 2 AS BEFORE in or … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
back */*/*/ — I UK [bæk] / US adverb 1) a) in the direction that is behind you Don t look back, but there s a man following us. He asked us to move back a few yards. b) in a position where your back is leaning backwards lean/sit/lie back: She leant back in her … English dictionary
back — back1 [ bæk ] adverb *** ▸ 1 returning to place/state ▸ 2 as reply or reaction ▸ 3 away from the front ▸ 4 away from someone/something ▸ 5 toward beginning of something ▸ 6 in/into the past ▸ 7 in a different place ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) returning to a … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
back*/*/*/ — [bæk] adv I 1) returning to a place or position Put those CDs back where you found them.[/ex] Can we go back to what we were talking about earlier?[/ex] 2) returning to an earlier state or condition We re hoping things will be back to normal… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
back — I. /bæk / (say bak) noun 1. the hinder part of the human body, extending from the neck to the end of the spine. 2. the part of the body of animals corresponding to the human back. 3. the rear portion of any part or organ of the body: the back of… …
Back to Basics (Christina Aguilera album) — Back to Basics Studio album by Christina Aguilera Released August … Wikipedia
Missing You (John Waite song) — Missing You Single by John Waite from the album No Brakes B si … Wikipedia
back to square one — Back to the original position with the problem, etc, unchanged • • • Main Entry: ↑square * * * back to/at/square one phrase in the same situation that you were in before you started to do something, with no progress made … Useful english dictionary