Mohammad Ali Araki

Mohammad Ali Araki
Muhammad Ali Araki
Born 1889
Died November 24, 1994 (aged 105) [1][2]
Nationality Iranian
Occupation Grand Ayatollah

Grand Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Araki (1889 in Arak – November 24, 1994 in Qom was an Iranian Twelver Shi'a Marja. Ayatullah Araki began his Hawza studies in Arak, and was the student of many prominent scholars during this time, including Syed Jaffer Sheeshi. For many years, he attended the lessons of Ayatullah Al-Uzama Nurudin Araki and Ayatullah Haeri and gained a tremendous amount from them.

Ayatullah Haeri had a great fondness for Ayatullah Araki; it was the aptitude and the genius of Ayatullah Araki that caught the late Ayatullah’s attention. It was at the recommendation of Ayatullah Haeri that Ayatullah Araki became a Ruhani (this is when someone qualifies to wear the turban and the robe) and married someone from his own family.

His migration to Qom:

After studying for a number of years in the Hawza in Yazd, Ayatullah Araki followed Ayatullah Haeri to Qom, and continued his Hawza studies under Ayatullah Haeri’s guidance and supervision. It was also during this very period that Ayatullah Araki got to know Ayatullah Khomeini, and had intense love for him.

After Imam Khomeini’s exile in the Iranian year 1341 (approx. 1962 AD), Ayatullah Araki always used to support him and stuck picture upon picture of Imam Khomeini on Khiyaban Iram (a main road in Qom passing the haram). When Ayatullah Araki was returning from Madressa Faiziya, and his eyes used to fall on the picture of the Imam, he used to say: “I swear that if the person on this picture was in Karbala,he would have become a martyr on the lap of Imam Hussein

Β.’ When he used to go home and news of Imam Khomeini used to be given to him, he used to cry a great deal. His tears were tears of love for the late Imam Khomeini.’

Ayatullah Araki used to teach and put forth the most complex of subjects for over 35 years in the Hawza of Qom. He was known for not being repetitive and used to carefully choose his words that would be full of meaning.

After the death of Ayatullah Mohammed Taqi Khonsari, Ayatullah Araki received numerous requests from his (Ayatullah Khonsari’s) students to teach them Fiqh and Usul at the Dars-e-Kharij level to which he consented to. Many of the outstanding and prominent teachers in the Hawza of Qom and those in charge of the movement of the Islamic Revolution were students of Ayatullah Araki for many years. During his blessed life, Ayatullah Araki was also a Marja-e-Taqleed of the Shias and wrote many books in the field of Fiqh and Usul.

He was also an Imam of the Friday Prayers. [3]



See also

  • Grand Ayatollahs

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