

Hydra-Shok is a brand of ammunition made by Federal Cartridge. It was originally patented by bullet designer Tom Burczynski. Hydra-Shok features a unique, patented center-post design and notched jacket. The center post acts to prevent plugging of the hollowpoint cavity with clothing and tissue which can cause a failure to expand. With a reduced failure rate, center post designed bullets like "hydrashok" have more predictable results and therefore offer some advantage as a defensive bullet. The Hydra-Shok round is available in various calibers; 9mm, 10mm, .32 ACP, .380 ACP, .38 S&W Special, .357 Magnum, .40 S&W, .45 ACP, .45 GAP, and .44 Magnum. In ballistic gelatin the bullet typically displays very rapid expansion resulting in a larger but more shallow wound channel than would be typical from most other bullet configurations in the same caliber and of similar weight. Federal 230 grain Hydra-Shok which caused 200 one shot stops in 211 shootings for a 95% rating.

External links

* [http://www.federalpremium.com/default.asp?menu=1&s1=7 Federal Cartridge Personal Defense Ammunition]

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