- Sascha Scatter
Sascha Altman DuBrul, aka Sascha DuBrul or Sascha Scatter, (b: 1975) is an American
anarchist , bi-polar activist, writer, farmer andpunk rock musician. He is best known for his writing, and as a founding and current member of theska-punk bandChoking Victim . [" [http://www.alternativetentacles.com/bandinfo.php?band=leftovercrack A not so brief history of No Commercial Value,Choking Victim , &Leftover Crack (In the words ofStza himself)] "] He is a co-founder of theIcarus Project [" [http://www.eastbayexpress.com/2005-08-03/news/off-their-meds/ Eas6t Bay Express, August 3, 2005 - Off Their Meds - Modern psychiatrists prescribe pills for hundreds of "biological" disorders. The radical mental health movement isn't so sure - By Stefanie Kalem] "] . He is from New York City and currently lives and works at the [http://germantowncommunityfarm.blogspot.com/ Germantown Community Farm] inColumbia County, New York . He writes a regular column for thepunk rock fanzine Slug and Lettuce.Scatter was the inspiration for singer
Jolie Holland 's song "Sascha" [" [http://www.clevescene.com/2006-10-11/music/crazy-for-love/ Crazy for Love: Jolie Holland learns that madness is a matter of perspective.By Chris Parker Published: October 11, 2006 ] "] .Publications
*"" by Sascha Altman DuBrul
Autonomedia (February 24, 1996) ISBN 978-1570270475
*"La Vida Secreta de los Gabachos (the Secret Life of White People)" self-published
*"El Otro Lado (The Other Side)" self-published
*"Walking the Edge of Insanity" self-published
*"Blinking Red Lights and the Souls of Our Friends" self-published
*"Navigating the Space Between Brilliance and Madness; A Reader and Roadmap of Bipolar Worlds", was self-published by the Icarus Project in March 2004. The book is currently in its 6th printing. [http://www.theicarusproject.net/publications/navigating-the-space-between-brilliance-and-madness-reader]
*"Mutant Superpowers & Lithium Pills" self-publishedReferences and footnotes
External links
* [http://www.microcosmpublishing.com/catalog/artist/sascha_scatter/ Partial catalog of self publications]
* [http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=118465610 Partial catalog of self publications]
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