Klasies River Caves

Klasies River Caves

Klasies River Caves are a series of caves located to the east of the Klasies River mouth on the Tsitsikamma coast in the Humansdorp district of Eastern Cape Province at the southernmost tip of South Africa. In 1998, the South African government submitted a proposal to add the caves to the list of World Heritage Sites. [ [http://whc.unesco.org/en/tentativelists/1074/ Unesco] . Retrieved 2007-03-04.] Since 1960 Ronald Singer, Ray Inskeep, Dr. John Wymer, Hilary Deacon, Richard Klein and others have excavated some of the earliest known remains of anatomically modern humans and behaviourally modern humans in the world. [http://academic.sun.ac.za/archaeology/KRguide2001.PDF Guide to Klasies River 2001, HJ Deacon (PDF)] . Retrieved 2007-03-04. Pg. 5] The 3 main caves and 2 shelters at the base of a high cliff have revealed evidence of Homo sapiens habitation from approximately 125,000 years ago.

Paleolithic and Mesolithic Behaviour

There is a 20 metre thick accumulation of deposits, both inside the caves and outside against the cliff face, proving that Klasies River Mouth people knew how to hunt, fish (later), gather plants and roots, cook by roasting on hearths, and manage their land. There is extensive evidence of shellfish collecting; stone artifact technology; gathering plants, roots and flowers for food; cooking plants, corms, seal, penguins, and antelope meat on hearths with fire; [http://archaeology.about.com/cs/humanorigins/a/klasiesriver.htm Klasies River Caves by K. Kris Hirst] . Retrieved 2007-03-04. Article ] general organisation of the settlement; and land/veld management by fire. The evidence also appears to indicate that their presence was seasonal or migratory. There is also evidence of cannibalism, charred and carved 'modern human' bones discarded with other food remnants. [http://academic.sun.ac.za/archaeology/KRguide2001.PDF Guide to Klasies River 2001, HJ Deacon (PDF)] . Retrieved 2007-03-04. Pg. 10]

Although these Middle Stone Age people are described as "anatomically modern" there is ongoing debate about when they were also "behaviourally modern". There is a marked difference between the Paleolithic stone technology used in the earliest layers from 125,000 years ago, and the superior Mesolithic blades of the 70,000 year old Howiesons Poort period that used raw material which had been 'mined' 20 kilometres inland. There is also a differentiation between the Paleolithic food detritus that accumulated underfoot inside the caves 125,000 years ago, but was ejected and accumulated into external middens by the Mesolithic occupants circa 75,000 years ago. This 'housekeeping' is an indicator that 'at least half of our species' had evolved 'modern behaviour' by the middle stone age. [http://archaeology.about.com/cs/humanorigins/a/klasiesriver.htm Klasies River Caves by K. Kris Hirst] . Retrieved 2007-03-04 Article ] [http://academic.sun.ac.za/archaeology/KRguide2001.PDF Guide to Klasies River 2001, HJ Deacon (PDF)] . Retrieved 2007-03-04. Pg. 8]

Discovery and Excavation

The artifacts and bones were originally reported by Paul Haslem and Ludwig Abel, then in 1960 Ray Inskeep and Ronald Singer identified the artifacts as Middle Stone Age. In 1967 and 1968 Ronald Singer and John Wymer started extensive excavations, with their initial findings published in 1972 by the University of Chicago Press. Since 1984 research has been continued by Hilary Deacon.

The site is now protected by the South African Heritage Resources Centre (SAHRA), and the Department of Environment Affairs and Tourism. [http://academic.sun.ac.za/archaeology/KRguide2001.PDF Guide to Klasies River 2001, HJ Deacon (PDF)] . Retrieved 2007-03-04. Pg. 11]


The 5 caves are dotted eastwards along the coast within 2 kilometers of Klasies River mouth, [http://academic.sun.ac.za/archaeology/KRguide2001.PDF Guide to Klasies River 2001, HJ Deacon (PDF)] . Retrieved 2007-03-04. Pg. 3 Map] and the complete stretch to Druipkelder Point is designated as a National Monument and a Natural Heritage Area.

(Locations - best viewed in Google Earth)
* Klasies River Mouth at coord|34|6|22.32|S|24|23|13.42|E|
* Klasies Main Site, Caves 1 & 2, at coord|34|6|29.17|S|24|23|24.50|E|
* Klasies Caves 3 & 4 at coord|34|6|39.55|S|24|23|43.83|E|
* Klasies Cave 5 at coord|34|6|52.63|S|24|24|3.31|E|

ee also

* List of fossil sites "(with link directory)"
* List of hominina (hominid) fossils "(with images)"
* Omo remains - the earliest known fossils of Homo sapiens, dated to circa 190,000 years ago.

* Herto remains - an extinct subspecies of Homo sapiens, dated to circa 160,000 years ago.
* List of archaeological periods
* List of caves in South Africa
* Keurboomstrand, Western Cape


* The Middle Stone Age at Klasies River Mouth in South Africa by Ronald Singer, John Wymer
* [http://academic.sun.ac.za/archaeology/KRguide2001.PDF Guide to Klasies River 2001, HJ Deacon (PDF)]

External links

* [http://whc.unesco.org/en/tentativelists/1074/ Unesco World Heritage listing for Pleistocene occupation sites of Klasies River, Border Cave, Wonderwerk Cave and comparable sites relating to the emergence of modern humans]
* [http://www.chico.mweb.co.za/mg/saarts/hist-prehistory1.htm Prehistory of South Africa]
* [http://archaeology.about.com/cs/humanorigins/a/klasiesriver.htm Klasies River Caves by K. Kris Hirst at About Archaeology]
* [http://www.modernhumanorigins.net/klasies.html Images of Klasies material at the South Africa Museum]

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