

Song infobox
Name = Kuntz

Artist = Butthole Surfers
Album = Locust Abortion Technician
Released = March 1987
track_no = 9
Recorded =
Genre = Experimental music
Length = 2:24
Writer =
Label = Touch and Go Records
Producer(s) = Butthole Surfers
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"Kuntz" was originally released as the ninth track of the Butthole Surfers' 1987 album Locust Abortion Technician. It consists of a recording of a Thai singer which is sped up, slowed down, and otherwise manipulated. Some kind of blabbering can also be heard in the song. The lyrics are in fact intentionally altered to emphasize and repeat the word "itch" (คัน - "kan" [ [http://www.thai2english.com/dictionary/ Thai/English Dictionary] ] ) to make it sound like "cunt," which has a very different meaning in English. According to a reader's comment on [http://www.markprindle.com/ Mark Prindle's record review page] , it is stated that the lyrics roughly translate to: "That itch that won't go away...The itch never leaves." [http://www.markprindle.com/butthola.htm#locust Mark Prindle, "Locust Abortion Technician," Record Review, http://markprindle.com] ] The meaning of the song's other lyrics remain unknown. This song is often played during concerts when the band has a break. The song is written by an unknown and uncredited Thai artist. The original, unmodified version can be listened to [http://moonglampers.net/media/Thai_Shotugun_-_Kuntz.mp3 here] .


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