- Wansco
company_name = WANSCO, LLC
Web and network services company
company_type = LLC
foundation = 2005
location_city = flagicon|USAHuntington Beach, California
area_served = Serving all of Southern California
key_people =Manager &Owner :Walter Phillips (2006 )
industry = Information Technology
homepage = [http://wansco.com/ wansco.com]Web and network service company or [http://wansco.com/ WANSCO, LLC] provides programming, web design, and other computer related services.
Web site development
- Data Driven Sites
- Hosting Solutions
- C, C++, VB, C#, Java Lab View, SQL, etc.
- Data Management
- System Integration
- Embedded Solutions
- Installation & Maintenance
- Security
2005 In late 2005, [http://wansco.com/ wansco.com] was registered with the intent of forming a small programming and network consulting company. Roughly one year later, WANSCO, LLC was formed.External links
* [http://wansco.com/ wansco.com]
* [http://pumpreports.com/ pumpreports.com]
* [http://ancmetal.com/ ancmetal.com]
* [http://cabuggies.com/ cabuggies.com]
* [http://mortitle.com/ mortitle.com]----
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.