Jo Baer

Jo Baer

Jo Baer, born 1929, is an American artist identified as a pioneerfact|date=April 2008 in minimalist art.

Life and work

Jo Baer's early work is informed by an admiration of the Abstract Expressionists, including Gorky, Motherwell, and Rothko—a movement she later rejected, in favor of a painterly hard-edge work.

Her later works speak to Baer's own refutation of minimalism as a vessel for the death of painting, in favor of object-making. In 1975, at the height of her career and on the heels of a major retrospective at New York's Whitney Museum, Baer left behind the pressures of the New York art market and shifted from abstraction to the use of a structural imagery.clarifyme|date=April 2008

Baer's minimalist work consists of a hard-edge style, encompassing a series of large and small squares, and vertical and horizontal rectangles with fully enclosing borders. Baer began to expand her palette by painting flanking and stacked diptych and triptych groupings, while working with wraparound paintings in diagonal and curved forms.clarifyme|date=April 2008


Her work is represented in the permanent collections of the Museum of Modern Art, New York; the Tate Modern, London; the Art Institute of Chicago; and the Seattle Art Museum.

External links

* [ Jo Baer]
* [ Alexander Gray Associates: Jo Baer]
* [ Jo Baer, Museum of Modern Art Page]

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