ISO 13399

ISO 13399

The official title of ISO 13399 is Cutting tool data representation and exchange.

ISO 13399 is an International Standard for the computer-interpretable representation and exchange of industrial product data. The objective is to provide a mechanism that is capable of describing product data regarding cutting tools, independent from any particular system. The nature of this description makes it suitable not only for neutral file exchange, but also as a basis for implementing and sharing product databases and archiving, regarding cutting tools.

Typically ISO 13399 can be used to exchange data between CAD, CAM, CAE, PDM/EDM and other CAx systems.

The usage of the ISO 13399 standard will simplify the exchange of data for cutting tools. Expected results are lower cost for managing the information about tools and a more accurate and efficient usage of manufacturing resources. The ISO 13399 has been developed with contributions from AB Sandvik Coromant , the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Kennametal Inc, and Ferroday Ltd.

ISO 13399 is developed and maintained by the ISO technical committee TC 29, Small tools, sub-committee WG34. Like other ISO and IEC standards ISO 13399 is copyright by ISO and is not freely available. Other standards developed and maintained by ISO TC29/WG34 are:



"Main article: List of parts"

ISO 13399 is divided into several parts:
* Part 1: Overview, fundamental principles and general information model
* Part 2: Reference dictionary for cutting items
* Part 3: Reference dictionary for tool items
* Part 4: Reference dictionary for adaptive items
* Part 5: Reference dictionary for assembly items
* Part 50: Reference dictionary for reference systems and common concepts
* Part 60: Reference dictionary for connection systems
* Part 100: Definitions, principles and methods for reference dictionaries

ISO 13399 defines a data model for cutting tool information using the EXPRESS modelling language. Application data according to this data model can be exchanged either by a STEP-File, STEP-XML or via shared database access using SDAI.

The dictionary (reference data library) of ISO 13399 currently uses PLIB (ISO 13584, IEC 61360).

Future of ISO13399

External links

* [ Standardization group ISO TC184/SC4]
** [ List of STEP parts]
** [ STEP Ship team ISO TC 184/SC 4/WG 3/T 23]
* [ The STEP Module Repository on SourceForge]
* [ CAx Implementor Forum] - information on existing implementations and testing activities
* [ WikiSTEP] - tutorial and overview information about STEP and recommended practises

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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