- ICEAGE Distributed computing education Project
[http://www.iceage-eu.org ICEAGE home page]
International Collaboration to Extend and Advance Grid Education (ICEAGE) is a Specific Support Action project funded by the
FP6 Sixth Framework Programme in theInformation Society Technologies theme. This European project is coordinated by the National e-Science Centre at theUniversity of Edinburgh .Objectives
ICEAGE is aimed at stimulating and supporting academic teaching in
Distributed computing . Building on the training activities ofEGEE , ICEAGE aims to enable students and educators to obtain and developgrid computing education via sustained, large-scale, multi-purpose e-Infrastructures. ICEAGE differs from EGEE in that its primary goals are educational and therefore embraces a wide variety of approaches to e-Infrastructure.Organisation
ICEAGE coordinates 4 main activities.
The Forum includes a group of leaders in the field of Grid Education. They use their expertise to identify educational requirements in this field and to develop policy on how those requirements may be met. It is their intention to influence policy makers in the grid area. In this framework, ICEAGE works closely with the
Open Grid Forum and e-IRG.upport Services for Teachers and Students
Various remote services are offered to teachers and students. A repository service of materials , or
digital library , is available for grid educational material. This library contains material made especially for the ICEAGE project itself and other related materials from external sources. The ICEAGE Digital Library aims to be the No. 1 repository for Grid educational material on the web by encouraging external organisations to host their material in it. In order to support the organisation of educational events, a learners' registry and course registry have been put into place. Other information registries and study services are also developed.International Summer School on Grid Computing
The ICEAGE Project runs an annual summer school on grid computing in July.The school aims to provide an in-depth introduction to Grid technologies that underpin e-Infrastructure and Cyberinfrastructure through presenting a conceptual framework and organising hands-on laboratory exercises to give participants experience with widely used Grid
Middleware middleware .t-Infrastructure
A t-Infrastructure is an e-Infrastructure for training, i.e. an e-Infrastructure specifically adapted to the needs of education, trainers and students.The initial t-Infrastructure for the ICEAGE project is GILDA which provides a test-bed made up by the key gLite
middleware services.Partners
The six ICEAGE project partners already work together through the EGEE project.
- National e-Science Centre, University of Edinburgh
- Universitá degli Studi di Catania – University of Catania
- Southern Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructures
- Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (CERN)
- Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan
- Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Számítástechnikai És Automatizálási Kutató IntézetRelated Projects
[http://www.eu-egee.org EGEE II – Enabling Grids for e-Science]
[http://www.omii-europe.com OMII-EUROPE – Open Middleware Infrastructure Institute for Europe]
[http://www.nextgrid.org NEXT-GRID – Architecture for Next Generation Grids]
[http://www.eu-eela.org EELA – e-Infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America]
[http://www.euchinagrid.org EUChinaGRID]
[http://www.eumedgrid.org EUMEDGrid]
[http://etics.web.cern.ch/etics ETICS – e-Infrastructure for Testing, Integration and Configuration of Software]
[http://isseg.web.cern.ch/ISSeG/ ISSeG – Integrated Site Security for Grids]
[http://www.coregrid.net CoreGRID]
[http://www.see-grid.eu SEE-GRID 2 – South-Eastern European Grid-Enabled e-Infrastructure Development]
[http://www.balticgrid.org BalticGrid]
[http://www.swegrid.se SWEGRID]
[http://www.beliefproject.org BELIEF - Bringing Europe’s eLectronic Infrastructures to Expanding Frontiers]
[http://www.bioinfogrid.eu BioinfoGRID]
[http://www.embracegrid.org EMBRACE]
[http://www.diligentproject.org Diligent – Digital Library Infrastructure on Grid Enabled Technology]External links
* [http://www.iceage-eu.org ICEAGE]
* [http://library.iceage-eu.org/ ICEAGE Digital Library]
* [http://www.issgc.org International Summer School on Grid Computing - ISSGC]
* [http://europa.eu/ European Union Portal]
* [http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/information_society/index_en.htm European Commission - Directorate General Information Society and Media]
* [http://nesc.ac.uk National e-Science Centre] at the [http://ed.ac.uk University of Edinburgh]
* [http://www.unict.it University of Catania]
* [http://www.spaci.it Southern Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructures - SPACI]
* [http://public.web.cern.ch CERN]
* [http://www.kth.se Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan - KTH]
* [http://www.sztaki.hu Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Számítástechnikai És Automatizálási Kutató Intézet - SZTAKI]
* [http://www.beingrid.eu BEinGRID]
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