Henry D. Sokolski

Henry D. Sokolski

-based nonprofit organization founded in 1994 to promote a better understanding of strategic weapons proliferation issues among policymakers, scholars and the media.

Sokolski served from 1989 to 1993 as the Deputy for Nonproliferation Policy in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and later received the Secretary of Defense's Medal for Outstanding Public Service. Prior to this, he worked in the Secretary's Office of Net Assessment on proliferation issues.

In addition to his Executive Branch service, Sokolski served from 1984 through 1988 as Senior Military Legislative Aide to Senator Dan Quayle, and as Special Assistant on Nuclear Energy Matters to Senator Gordon J. Humphrey from 1982 through 1983.

Sokolski also served as a consultant on proliferation issues to the intelligence community's National Intelligence Council. After his work in the Pentagon, he received a Congressional appointment to the Deutch Proliferation Commission, which completed its report in July 1999. He also served as a member of the Central Intelligence Agency's Senior Advisory Panel from 1995 to 1996.

Sokolski has authored and edited a number of works on proliferation related issues including, "Best of Intentions: America's Campaign Against Strategic Weapons Proliferation" [http://www.npec-web.org/Frameset.asp?PageType=Books&BookID=-1946365429] (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2001), "Taming the Next Set of Strategic Weapons Threats" [http://www.npec-web.org/Frameset.asp?PageType=Books&BookID=190437399] (Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, 2006), "Getting Ready for a Nuclear-Ready Iran" [http://www.npec-web.org/Frameset.asp?PageType=Books&BookID=1757658041] (Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, 2005), and "Getting MAD: Nuclear Mutual Assured Destruction Its Origins and Practice" [http://www.npec-web.org/Frameset.asp?PageType=Books&BookID=2116845428] (Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, 2004).

Sokolski has been a resident fellow at the National Institute for Public Policy, the Heritage Foundation and the Hoover Institution. He currently serves as an adjunct professor at The Institute of World Politics in Washington, D.C., and has taught courses at the University of Chicago, Rosary College, and Loyola University.

Sokolski attended the University of Southern California and Pomona College, and received his graduate education at the University of Chicago.

External links

* [http://www.npec-web.org/Staff.asp?StaffID=1946390440 Nonproliferation Policy Education Center staff bio]
* [http://www.npec-web.org Nonproliferation Policy Education Center] – Organization website
* [http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/international/jan-june07/iran_02-22.html "News Analysis: Iran Defies U.N. Deadline on Uranium Enrichment"] , "NewsHour with Jim Lehrer", February 22, 2007
* [http://www.npec-web.org/Frameset.asp?PageType=Citations NPEC Print and Media Citations]

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