Alberto Aleman

Alberto Aleman

Alberto Aleman Zubieta is the current Administrator of the Panama Canal.

Born in Panama City, Aleman obtained degrees in both industrial and civil engineering from Texas A&M University. He began his professional career in the construction field at a very young age.


In 1996, Aleman was appointed Administrator of the now defunct Panama Canal Commission (PCC), a U.S. federal government agency charged with administering and operating the Canal for the remainder of the twentieth century.

In 1998, two years into his appointment as CEO of the Panama Canal Commission, he was appointed administrator of the Panama Canal Authority (ACP), the autonomous agency that manages the Panama Canal. During the following two years, he served simultaneously as the Administrator of the Panama Canal Commission and the ACP, ensuring that the decisions taken under Commission would have continuity under the Authority.


* "William Ross Medal", presented in 1992 by the Panamanian Chamber of Construction (CAPAC)
* "Honorary Fellow" in 1997 and "Federal Engineer of the Year Award" from the American Society of Civil Engineers
* "Florencio Icaza Award" bestowed by the Association of Panamanian Architects and Engineers (SPIA)
* "Maritime Personality 2001" Award, presented by Seatrade
* "The Business man of the Year 2002" from the Panamanian Business Executives Association (APEDE)
* "Outstanding International Alumnus Award of Texas A&M University" awarded in December 2003

External links

* [ Panama Canal Authority]
* [ Biography (from Panama Canal Authority)]

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