

Infobox CityIT
official_name = Bione
name = Bione
img_coa = Bione-Stemma.png region = RegioneIT|sigla=LOM
province =ProvinciaIT|sigla=BS (BS)
elevation_m = 600
area_total_km2 = 17
population_as_of =
population_total = 1386
population_density_km2 = 82
coordinates = coord|45|40|0|N|10|20|0|E|region:IT_type:city(1,386)
frazioni = Pieve, S.Faustino
telephone = 0365
postalcode = 25070
gentilic = UCFIRST:bionesi
saint = Saint John
day = 27 December
mayor =
website =
mapx = #expr:45 + 40 / 60.0
mapy = #expr:10 + 20 / 60.0
Bione is a commune in the province of Brescia, Lombardy.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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