

:"This page is about the mineral. For the town, please see Trona, California; for the geological feature, please see Trona Pinnacles."

Trona, hydrated sodium bicarbonate carbonate (Na3H(CO3)2·2H2O), is an evaporite mineral. It is mined as the primary source of sodium carbonate in the United States, where it has replaced the Solvay process used in most of the rest of the world for sodium carbonate production.


The word "trona" comes to English by way of either Swedish ("trona") or Spanish ("trona"), with both possible sources having the same meaning as in English. Both of these derive from the Arabic "trōn" which in turn derives from the Arabic "natron", and Hebrew "nun, tet, resh, nun" pronounced "natrun",which comes from the ancient Greek "nitron", derived ultimately from the ancient Egyptian "ntry" (or "nitry").

Companies with trona mining operations

*Magadi Soda Company
*Searles Valley Minerals Inc.

ee also

*Sodium sesquicarbonate


* [ Webmineral]
* [ Mineral galleries]

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