Abd al-Latif

Abd al-Latif

Infobox Monarch
name ='Abd al-Latif
title =

caption =
reign =
coronation =
othertitles =
full name =Abd al-Latif ibn Muhammad Taraghay Ulughbek
predecessor =Ulugh Beg
successor =‘Abdullah
suc-type =
heir =
queen =
consort =
spouse 1 =
spouse 2 =
spouse 3 =
spouse 4 =
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spouse 6 =
issue =
royal house =
dynasty =
royal anthem =
father =Ulugh Beg
mother =
date of birth =1420
place of birth =
date of death =death date|1450|5|9|mf=y
place of death =
date of burial =
place of burial =|
:"For the 12th century Arabian physician and Egyptologist, see Abd-el-latif."

Abd al-Latif ibn Muhammad Taraghay Ulughbek, also known as 'Abd al-Latif, (c. 1420 – May 9, 1450) was the great-grandson of Central Asian warlord Timur. He was the third son of Ulugh Beg, Timurid ruler of Transoxiana (modern Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan).

Having been given the governorship of Balkh, 'Abd al-Latif served under his father. During the succession struggle that followed the death of Shah Rukh, he occupied Herat, although after Ulugh Beg left the city at the end of 1448 it was conquered by Abu'l-Qasim Babur.

'Abd al-Latif did not remain loyal to his father. Angry over the fact that he was to be passed over in the transfer of rule of Samarkand, he revolted while Ulugh Beg was marching to retake Khurasan. He defeated his father at Dimashq, near Samarkand, in the fall of 1449. Ulugh Beg later decided to surrender himself, and 'Abd al-Latif granted him permission to take a pilgrimage to Mecca, but while Ulugh Beg was on his way he was ordered murdered by his son. This earned 'Abd al-Latif the infamous nickname "Padarkush" (from Tajik "patricide"). A few days later he also had his brother 'Abd al-'Aziz killed. In this manner he became ruler of Transoxiana. A somewhat pious person, he gained the support of the local religious groups, but this did not save him from a conspiracy hatched against him by the amirs. His reign lasted for only six months. He was succeeded by his cousin ‘Abdullah.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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