Francisco Santos

Francisco Santos

Infobox Swimmer
swimmername = Francisco Santos

imagesize = 150px
caption =
fullname = Francisco José Ribeiro Lopes dos Santos
nicknames = Xesko
nationality = ANG
strokes =
club =
collegeteam =
birthdate =birth date |1962|05|17
birthplace =Luanda, Angola
deathdate =
deathplace =
height = 1.78m
weight = 70kg

Francisco Santos (born May 17, 1962, in Luanda, Angola) is an Angolan/Portuguese swimmer, plastic artist, musician and writer of poetry, short fiction and novels. He represented Angola in swimming at the 1980 Summer Olympics [Men's 100 m Breaststroke [ [ Men's 100 m Breaststroke, XXII Summer Olympics, Results] ] and Men's 4 × 100 m Medley Relay [ [ Men's 4 × 100 m Medley Relay, XXII Summer Olympics, Results] ] ).

He also represented his country in other international games, including the Algiers 1978 All-Africa Games, the Moscow 1979 Seventh USSR Summer Spartakiade and the Mexico 1979 Summer Universiade.


Xesko's parents (who were Portuguese) had immigrated to Angola in 1959, and he grew up immersed in the African quarters ("musseques") of Luanda.

Since very young, he was dedicated to the Arts and Sports. He began writing at 14 years old and painting at 16 (watercolours and Chinese Ink). In that time, he had published some short stories and poems in several magazines and papers.

In the secondary School, were a Founder and Publisher of the Magazine "The Bantalas" entirely dedicated to the Arts (Art Painting, Photograph, Prose and Poetry) and participated in a contest of Art Painting whose objective was the creation of a poster commemorative of the anniversary of the MPLA obtaining the 1º place. It detached itself widely in Sports, obtaining several titles of National Champion, in Swimming (consecutively from 1970 to 1980) and Chess (1977 and 1979). It represented is nation abroad several times, being the last time in the 1980 Summer Olympics (Moscow) [DIÁRIO DE LUANDA, Luanda, Angola, (1968 to 1974), Newspaper] [PROVÍNCIA DE ANGOLA/JORNAL DE ANGOLA, Luanda, Angola, (1968 to 1981), Newspaper] [RECORD, Lisboa, Portugal, (1982 to 1990), Newspaper] .

He loves experiencing new techniques and ideas in Art Painting, being strongly influenced by the African art and by the work of Salvador Dali.

His interest by the painting avenged until 1982, time in that personal problems caused to stop having started again painting in the year of 2002. From 1982 to 1999 it was involved in several musical and theatrical projects as a technician, musician, producer and director, writing several adaptations and two original pieces.

Noticeable Militant of the Youth of the Party (JMPLA) abandoned the politics when he moved to Portugal in 1982.

Graduated in the Ex. Soviet Union, in the year of 1982, in Chemical Engineering, where he frequented also the Courses of, "Scientific Drawing" and "Creative Thought in Post-modernism".

In Portugal, Graduated in Data processing, Systems Engineering and Programming. It frequented also the Courses of “Improvement in Painting Techniques for Oil Portraits”, promoted by the Art-Painter "Master Almaia", “Photograph and Graphic Design”, from IADE (Institute of Visual Arts, Design and Marketing), “Aesthetics and Theories of the Contemporary Art" and "Art Painting and Plastic intervention”, from SNBA (National Society of Fine arts).

He have several works displayed in public places and it is represented in several private and official collections in Portugal, Russia, France, Spain, Brazil and Angola.


Infobox Writer
name = Xesko
fullname = Francisco José Ribeiro Lopes dos Santos
birthdate = birth date|1962|5|17|mf=y
birthplace = Luanda, Angola
deathdate =
deathplace =
spouse =
occupation = Plastic Artist, Writer, Musician, Sportsman
genre = Novel, Short story, Poetry
movement =
notableworks =
influences = Agostinho Neto, Fernando Pessoa, Isaac Asimov, Robert A. Heinlein, William Gibson, Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso, Amadeo de Souza Cardoso
influenced =
footnotes =

;XeskoFrancisco Santos's primary "nom d'art" or alter ego.

;Alan J. BantaThe heteronym Alan J. Banta is described as a civil engineer, born in the year of 1952 in Kakamas, a village located in the Northern Cape, South Africa but living and working in Angola. After independence, in 1975, remained in the country, for he considers his true home. This heteronym, emerges as a proliferous writer of Fantasy and Science Fiction, because of their South African origins and English education, is tending to express in a very classical way. According Xesko "Alan J. Banta", appears for the necessity of the author has in distancing his student's life from his fantasies.

;Elias KaripandeBy other side, the heteronym Elias Karipande, was born in the year of 1958 in Karipande, a village of Alto Zambeze in Moxico, Angola. countryman, having only attended primary school, enroll the FAPLA in 1977 after the killing of their parents by UNITA. Born poet , his poetry reflects the heroic spirit of the time. According Xesko this heteronym, appears for the necessity of creating a soul of pure nationalism.


Alan J. Banta

(Novel, Short story)

:*1976 – Exodus. ISBN 989-8085-10-X:*1977 – "Crossed fire I (A Travel to the Past)" - Fogo Cruzado I (Uma Viagem ao Passado). ISBN 989-8085-11-8:*1978 – "Crossed fire II (Perhaps the Future)" - Fogo Cruzado II (Talvez o Futuro). ISBN 989-8085-12-6:*1979 – "Crossed fire III (What Reality)" - Fogo Cruzado III (Que Realidade). ISBN 989-8085-13-4:*1981 – Zantar. ISBN 989-8085-14-2:*1993 – Terrae Incognitae. ISBN 989-8085-15-0:*1994 – "Dreams (Short story)" - Sonhos (Contos). ISBN 989-8085-16-9:*1995 – "Thoughts of Chom" - Pensamentos de Chom. ISBN 989-8085-17-7

Elias Karipande


:*1982 – "The Rainbow Warriors" - Os Guerreiros do Arco-íris. ISBN 989-8085-00-2:*1984 – "From Kabinda to the Kunene" - De Kabinda ao Kunene. ISBN 989-8085-01-0:*1986 – "24 Hours in the Life (Finally the Peace)" - 24 Horas na Vida (Finalmente a Paz). ISBN 989-8085-02-9:*1988 – "Green" - Verde. ISBN 989-8085-04-5



:*1986 – "Putting the Points in the iis" - Pontos nos iis. ISBN 989-8085-03-7:*1989 – "A Step in thin Ice" - 1 Passo em Falso. ISBN 989-8085-05-3:*1993 – "Between God and the Devil" - Entre Deus e o Diabo. ISBN 989-8085-06-1:*1996 – "Muses (A Lost Secret)" - Musas (Um Segredo Perdido). ISBN 989-8085-07-X:*2002 – "Ambiguities" - Ambiguidades. ISBN 989-8085-08-8:*2006 – "The Electric Zone of the Colors" - A Zona Electrica das Cores. ISBN 989-8085-09-6

(Novel, Short story)

:*1998 – "Cel, Angel or Demon" - Cel, Anjo ou Demónio, ISBN 989-8085-18-5



:* 1981 - "Freedom" Scientific Institute of Minsk (Minsk/Bielorussia - Ex. Soviet Union):* 1982 - "Butterfly Effect" Humbi-Humbi, Art Gallery (Luanda/Angola):* 2004 - "7 Shades of Gray" Café da Ponte, Docas de Alcântara (Lisbon/Portugal)


:* 1978 - "A painting for the Revolution" Noble Room of the National Assembly (Luanda/Angola):* 2005 - Military Hospital of Belém (Lisbon/Portugal):* 2006 - "Things about Campolide" (Lisbon/Portugal):* 2007 - "1º National Exhibition of Fine Arts" (Lisbon/Portugal) [ [ Works selected for the 1st National Exhibition of Fine Arts, Lisbon, Portugal] ] .:* 2007 - "Remember April, commemorations of the 25 of April and 1º of May" (Alcochete/Portugal):* 2007 - Alcarte (Alcochete/Portugal):* 2007 - "To live Campolide" (Lisbon/Portugal):* 2007/2008 - Art Outside the Gallery (Alcochete/Portugal):* 2008 - Alcarte (Alcochete/Portugal):* 2008 - "The Magnificent 5" Tic Tac Café (Alcochete/Portugal)

ee also

* Angola at the 1980 Summer Olympics
* Swimming at the 1980 Summer Olympics - Men's 4 x 100 metre medley relay
* Post-Modernism
* Contemporary art
* Modern literature
* Modern poetry
* Heteronym



*DIÁRIO DE LUANDA, Luanda, Angola, (1968 to 1974), "(Newspaper)"
*PROVÍNCIA DE ANGOLA/JORNAL DE ANGOLA, Luanda, Angola, (1968 to 1981), "(Newspaper)"
*International Olympic Committee, Moscow '80, Fizkulturai Sport Publishers, 1980
*Federação Portuguesa de Natação, “Ranking Nacional 82/83”, FPN, 1984
*Federação Portuguesa de Natação, “Ranking Nacional 83/84”, FPN, 1985
*Federação Portuguesa de Natação, “Ranking Nacional 84/85”, FPN, 1986
*Federação Portuguesa de Natação, “Ranking Nacional 85/86”, FPN, 1987
*Federação Portuguesa de Natação, “Ranking Nacional 86/87”, FPN, 1988
*Federação Portuguesa de Natação, “Ranking Nacional 87/88”, FPN, 1989
*RECORD, Lisboa, Portugal, (1982 to 1990), "(Newspaper)"
*Fernando Infante do Carmo, Anuário Internacional de Arte 2003, Lisboa, F.I. Carmo, 2003

External links

*en [ Men 100m Breaststroke Olympic Games Moscow]
*en [ Men 4x100m Medley Relay Olympic Games Moscow]
*en [ Sports Reference]
*en [ Official Olympic Reports]
*en [ Official Olympic Reports - Moscow 1980]
*en [ Saatchi Gallery]
*en [ Babele Arte]
*en []
*(Portuguese) [ SPA - Portuguese Society of Authors]
*(Portuguese) [ APEL - Portuguese Association of Publishers and Booksellers]
*(Portuguese) [ Jornal de Angola (Newspaper)]
*(Portuguese) [ Record (Newspaper)]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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