- Kapluk
Kapluk is a village in the
Baringo District , it is in the base ofKerio Valley . The population is about 2000 people. The major ethnic group is theTugen , the residence settled in the area around 1700 ADThe major economic activity is farming, crops like cotton, maize and animal keeping especially, goats and cows. It is the hub of Kabutie location of Barwesa division. There is a secondary school, four primary schools, a health center, 5 churches, and a cattle dip.Kapluk is part of Kabutiei ward of
Baringo North Constituency and Baringo County Council [Electoral Commission of Kenya: [http://www.eck.or.ke/downloads/pollingcentres.pdf "Registration centres by electoral area and constituency"] ]References
The current elections are over and Zaphania Chepkonga was declared the concillor after trouncing Bowen Charles by 300 votes.The much closely contested saw the former concillor beaten after three other contestents united to bring his leadership to a dramatic end,among those who stepped down for Zephania Chepkonga included Benjamin Ayabei,John Ruto, Kigen Chris.The crowning of the new concillor was marked with song and dance on 27 th Dec 2007 at Muchukwo Centre where the current concillor promised to unite the people of KabutieThe concillor has been in the lamelite because he comes from the area where the popular Lake Kamnarok is located, he also promised to to promote the place as a fast tourist area
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