- Veraudunus
Veraudunus is the name of a Celtic god known only from two votive inscriptions found in
Luxembourg . One of these inscriptions suggests that ‘Veraudunus’ may have been an epithet of the important Treveran godLenus Mars. In both inscriptions, Veraudunus is invoked along withInciona .On the large stone slab from
Mensdorf on theWiddebierg , pictured at right, the god Veraudunus (DEO VERAVDVNO) and Inciona are invoked in honour of the imperial family in fulfilment of a vow made by Marcus Pl(autius?) Restitutus' mother Alpinia Lucana.Musée d'histoire et d'art, Luxembourg. 1974. "Pierres sculptées et inscriptions de l'époque romaine", catalogued by Eugénie Wilhelm, p.71.]The second inscription is a small bronze votive plaque from Kaul in Luxembourg , which reads:: [LE] NO MAR [TI]
CINVS EX VOT(O)If the letters NO MAR can be restored as "Leno Marti", then ‘Veraudunus’ appears to be an epithet ofLenus Mars, the tribal protector of theTreveri who inhabited what is now Luxembourg. [William van Andringa (2002). "La religion en Gaule romaine : Piété et politique (Ier-IIIe siècle apr. J.-C." Editions Errance, Paris.]The name of the Widdebierg itself has been said to derive from ‘Veraudunus’. [« Deux inscriptions indiquent qu'il [Lenus Mars] porte le surnom local de Veraudunus dont est dérivé le toponyme Widdenberg ». From a wall plaque at the Musée national d'histoire et d'art, Luxembourg.]
See also
* "Dictionary of Celtic Myth and Legend." Miranda Green. Thames and Hudson Ltd. London. 1997
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.