Vera Pless

Vera Pless

Vera Pless is an American mathematician specializing in combinatorics and coding theory. She is professor emeritus at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Her Erdős number is 2, having co-authored several articles with John H. Conway.


*cite book|last = Pless|first = Vera|title = Introduction to the Theory of Error-Correcting Codes
publisher = John Wiley & Sons|series = Wiley-Interscience Series in Discrete Mathematics|year = 1982
isbn = 0-471-08684-3

*cite book|last = Pless|first = Vera|coauthors = RA Brualdi, WC Huffman|title = Handbook of Coding Theory
publisher = North-Holland|series = North-Holland Mathematical Library|year = 1998|month = November
isbn = 978-0444814722

*cite book|last = Pless|first = Vera|coauthors = WC Huffman|title = Fundamentals of Error-Correcting Codes
publisher = Cambridge University Press|year = 2003|month = August|isbn = 978-0521782807

*cite book|last = Pless|first = Vera|coauthors = Janet Beissinger|title = Cryptoclub: Using Mathematics to Make and Break Secret Codes|publisher = A.K. Peters, Ltd.|year = 2006|month = May|isbn = 1-56881-223-X

External links

* [ Personal homepage]

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