Junjou Romantica

Junjou Romantica

Infobox animanga/Header
name = Junjou Romantica

caption = Junjou Romantica artwork by Shungiku Nakamura
ja_name = 純情ロマンチカ
ja_name_trans = Junjō Romanchika
genre = Romance, Yaoi, Comedy
Infobox animanga/Manga
title =
author = Shungiku Nakamura
publisher = flagicon|Japan Kadokawa Shoten
flagicon|United States BLU
demographic = Shōjo
magazine = Asuka CIEL
first = 2002
last = ongoing
volumes = 10
Infobox animanga/Anime
title = (first season)
director = Chiaki Kon
studio = Studio DEEN
network = flagicon|Japan TV Hokkaido
first = April 2008
last = June 2008
episodes = 12
Infobox animanga/Anime
title = (second season)
director = Chiaki Kon
studio = Studio DEEN
network = flagicon|Japan TV Hokkaido
first = October 2008
last = TBA
episodes = 12

nihongo|"Junjou Romantica"|純情ロマンチカ|Junjō Romanchika|lit. "Pure Romance" is a yaoi series by Shungiku Nakamura. It focuses on not only a main couple but two other male couples. It has expanded into several cd-dramas, a manga series with a spin-off running in "Asuka CIEL", a light novel series running in "The Ruby" with a spin-off and a 24-episode anime series.


Misaki is suddenly having some unexpected and odd problems. What started as a need for some college entrance exam tutoring has somehow led him to being romanced by a suave older man who also happens to be his big brother’s best friend.

Confused by all of his brand new emotions, Misaki struggles to deal with his suddenly very odd life. And if that wasn’t enough, his suitor, Usami, has plenty of issues of his own. A man-child who decorates his room with giant teddy bears and toys, Usami is a famous novelist who also writes steamy boys’ love novels on the side.

Junjou Romantica focuses on three different sets of lovers, each with their own compelling stories, these other two couples are introduced in Egoist and Terrorist. There is also another mini series called, 'Junjou Minimum', which is also in the CD dramas.


Junjou Romantica

nihongo|Misaki Takahashi|高橋美咲|Takahashi Misaki
18 yrs, 19 yrs in episode 8: The protagonist, younger brother of Takahiro. At the start of the series, Misaki is about to sit for his college entrance examinations. His dream is to go to Mitsuhashi University since that was the college his brother dropped out of so that he could begin taking care of Misaki after their parents died. Although seemingly childish and brash, Misaki is later revealed to be a person who is simply adamant on insisting against doing anything that might not be beneficial to anyone else. Misaki and Usagi eventually begin a relationship together which puzzles Misaki, who is unconfident about his feelings towards the older man.: anime voice|Takahiro Sakurai

nihongo|Akihiko Usami|宇佐見秋彦|Usami Akihiko
28 yrs: A popular author of non-fiction and erotic boys love novels, and the youngest recipient of the distinguished Naomori Award. His nickname is "Usagi", which means "rabbit" in Japanese. Usagi is Misaki's tutor for the upcoming entrance exams, and a very close friend of Takahiro (he, in fact, harbored an unrequited love for Takahiro for a long time). He and Hiroki were childhood friends.Shortly after meeting Misaki, Usagi realizes that he loves the younger boy and the two become lovers.: anime voice|Hikaru Hanada

nihongo|Haruhiko Usami|宇佐見春彦|Usami Haruhiko
Akihiko's older half brother (they have different mothers). He is generally cold and disapproving towards his brother, though no one really knows why. After a brief apearance by him in the middle of the series he begins proclaiming that he 'loves' Misaki, but that was only after he found out how close him and Usagi were. When he begins sending Misaki flowers and saying he would take Misaki as his own, Usagi claims that Haruhiko was, 'always trying to take [his] things.' : anime voice|Kōsuke Toriumi

nihongo|Takahiro Takahashi|高橋孝浩|Takahashi Takahiro
Misaki's older brother, and Akihiko's long-time friend. He was the subject of Akihiko's love interest for a long time, but never noticed Akihiko's feelings due to him being naive and having a somewhat air-headed personality. He is extremely caring towards his brother, even dropping out of school to support Misaki's studies after their parents died.: anime voice|Kishô Taniyama

Junjou Egoist

nihongo|Hiroki Kamijou|上條弘樹|Kamijou Hiroki
28 yrs : A long-time friend of Akihiko's, who is an associate professor at the college Misaki studies at. He is a bit of a loner and is extremely passionate about classical Japanese literature, apparently having graduated at the top of his class. Hiroki was initially in love with Akihiko, his childhood friend. He is an example of the tsundere character archetype: he has a bad temper and is feared among his students, though he is actually shy and gets flustered easily.: anime voice|Kentarou Itou

nihongo|Nowaki Kusama|草間野分|Kusama Nowaki
24 yrs : Orphaned without a name as an infant, he was named "Nowaki" ("typhoon" in Japanese) by the head of the orphanage because he was found in a heavy rain storm. Nowaki first meets Hiroki 6 years ago, when he is crying about his fruitless relationship with Akihiko, and goes on to insist that Hiroki become his tutor. He is currently studying to become a pediatrician. Nowaki is very kind and understanding.: anime voice|Nobutoshi Canna

Junjou Terrorist

nihongo|You Miyagi|宮城庸|Miyagi You
35 yrs: A Literature Professor at Mitsuhashi University and a co-worker of Kamijo Hiroki. He was once married, but is now divorced most likely due to his indifference to feelings and emotions. His love interest is his ex-wife's younger brother. Miyagi is often playful when it comes to teasing Hiroki, though his true character is far more serious due to an event from his past.: anime voice|Kazuhiko Inoue

nihongo|Shinobu Takatsuki|高槻忍|Takatsuki Shinobu
18 yrs : A young high school student (and the son of Mitsuhashi University's dean of literature and also Miyagi's boss) who believes it to be fate that he is in love with his ex-brother-in-law, Miyagi You. Would very much like Miyagi to take responsibility for Shinobu falling in love with him. He is often blunt and unreasonable, though is shown to have a softer side.: anime voice|Daisuke Kishio

Junjou Mystique

nihongo|Ryuichiro Isaka|井坂龍一郎|Isaka Ryuichiro
32 yrs : The editor of Akihiko and the one who told him to send his writtings to be edited. He is also the childhood friend of Haruhiko. He is in love with his Assistant, Kaoru Asahina, who happens to be also someone who has always worked for his family. He believes Asahina is in love with his father so he thinks his love is pointless.: anime voice|Toshiyuki Morikawanihongo|Kaoru Asahina|朝比奈薫|Asahina Kaoru
33 yrs : The assistant of Isaka. He has worked for Isaka's family since they helped his family when he was a child. He takes care of Isaka in every situation.: anime voice|Ryoutarou Okiayu

Anime Adaptation

The series began airing April 10, 2008. As of now, the first season, which has 12 episodes have been released, and the second season which has 12 episodes will be shown on October 12th 2008. According to ORICON and dvd sales data from Animesuki, the first DVD was released on July 25th, 2008 and it became a hit, selling 8,406 copies in its first week. It is currently the fourth best selling debut DVD for an anime series of 2008, just after Gundam 00, Macross Frontier, and Aria the origination. It continued to dwell on the ORICON anime DVD charts for the second week charting on the top 5 with total sales for the first DVD at 10,986 copies. With those sales, it is currently ranked at number 1 for the shojo category on DVD sales for the year 2008. According to ORICON sales for the past 5 years, it is the best selling BL (Boys Love) anime so far and has performed the best on the charts.


External links

*Official Site: http://www.suzukisan.info/
*BLUmanga, the official site for the English version's publisher: [http://www.blumanga.com/series_detail.php?series=junjoromantica "Junjo Romantica"]
*Anime News Network's encyclopedia entry for Shungiku Nakamura [http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=55987]

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