Volcher Coiter

Volcher Coiter

name = Volcher Coiter

caption = Volcher Coiter
birth_date = 1534
birth_place = Groningen
residence =
nationality =flag|Netherlands|name=Dutch
death_date = 2 June 1576
death_place = Brienne-le-Château
field = Anatomy
alma_mater =
work_institution =
doctoral_advisor =Gabriele Falloppio
academic_advisors = Ulisse Aldrovandi
Gabriele Falloppio Bartolomeo Eustachi Guillaume Rondelet
doctoral_students =
known_for =
prizes =
religion =
footnotes =

Volcher Coiter (also spelled Coyter or Koyter) (1534, Groningen - 2 June 1576, Brienne-le-Château) was a Dutch anatomist who established the study of comparative osteology and first described cerebrospinal meningitis.

Coiter was born in Groningen. He studied in Italy and France and was a pupil of Ulisse Aldrovandi,
Gabriele Falloppio, Bartolomeo Eustachi and Guillaume Rondelet. He became city physician of Nürnberg in 1569 and later entered military service as field surgeon to Johann Casimir. His works included "Externarum et Internarum Principalium Humani Corporis Partium Tabulae" (1573) and "De Avium Sceletis et Praecipius Musculis" (1575). His work included detailed anatomical studies of birds as well as a classification of the birds based on structure and habits. He produced an early dichotomous classification key.Allen, Elsa G. (1951) The History of American Ornithology before Audubon. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, New Ser. 41(3):387-591.]



*Stresemann, Erwin - "Ornithology from Aristotle to the Present" (1975) ISBN 0-674-64485-9

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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