Benevolent Society

Benevolent Society

The Benevolent Society is Australia’s oldest charity, although it now prefers to regard itself as a ‘’social enterprise’’. It was founded as the Benevolent Society of New South Wales by Edward Smith Hall in 1813, is and since its earliest days its members have advocated for positive social change and progressive social policy. Many of today's essential social services in Australia were pioneered by The Benevolent Society.

It has a staff of about 700, plus a volunteer force of about 900 people, who work together to support over 10,000 children and adults each year in metro, regional and rural NSW. Its annual revenue (in 2006) was about $42m, and it has total assets of about $106m. The current CEO is Richard Spencer, and the President is Bill Webster.


The Benevolent Society provides a wide range of services to the community, including
* Early childhood services, including the Partnerships in Early Childhood program
* Child care centres
* Early intervention programs across New South Wales
* Parenting programs, playgroups and volunteer home visiting
* Child protection services
* A range of community care services to help to older people stay living in their own homes and involved in their communities
* Specialised care to people with dementia
* Residential care for older people
* Personal Helpers and mentors for people living with a mental illness


The Benevolent Society runs several social leadership programs, such as the Sydney Leadership program, to form networks of committed individuals working together to bring about social change.


Below are a few of the many achievements. See the Benevolent Society website for a complete list.

* 1820: The Benevolent Society initiated the first social service for motherhood in Australia, introducing volunteer district nursing.
* 1821: The Benevolent Society Asylum opened for the 'poor, blind, aged and infirm' at the Central Railway site.
* 1852: The Benevolent Society formed the NSW Society for the Relief of Destitute Children.
* 1866: Australia's first maternity hospital was established by The Benevolent Society.
* 1892: The Benevolent Society had an instrumental role in forming the Children’s Protection Act which outlawed child labour.
* 1912: The Benevolent Society established the first antenatal clinic in the British Empire.
* 1930: Depression Food Shelters provided essential emergency relief.
* 1931: Royal Hospital for Women became a centre for medical research.
* 1964: First Village for the Aged established in Allambie Heights.
* 1968: The Benevolent Society Adoption Agency was opened.
* 1980s: Leading edge approaches to preventing child abuse and neglect were developed through Early Intervention Programs.
* 1990: NSW Post Adoption Resource Centre was established.
* 1993: New community programs to help older people stay living at home launched.
* 1995: Development of innovative women's health services in South West Sydney.
* 1999: Sydney Leadership launched.
* 2002: Launch of Rural Leadership Program in New England/ North West region of New South Wales.

External links

* [ The Benevolent Society home page]


* Cummins, C. J. (Cyril Joseph), The development of the Benevolent (Sydney) Asylum, 1788-1855, Department of Health, Sydney, 1971, 21 pp.
* Rathbone, R. W. ( Ronald, William), A very present help: caring for Australians since 1813: the history of the Benevolent Society of New South Wales, State Library of New South Wales Press, Sydney, 1994, 237 pp.
* Scifleet, Paul, Guide to the records of the Benevolent Society of New South Wales, 1813-1995, 1st edn, Benevolent Society of New South Wales, Sydney, 1996, 140 pp.
* O'Brien, Anne, Poverty's prison: the poor in New South Wales 1880-1918, Melbourne University Press, Carlton, Victoria, 1988, 256 pp.

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