jus|ti|fi|ca|tion — «JUHS tuh fuh KAY shuhn», noun. 1. a) the act or process of justifying: »Their justification of the lie was that they would hurt the innocent. b) the state of being justified: »His justification came when he was proved right. 2. a fact or… … Useful english dictionary
jus|ti|fy — «JUHS tuh fy», verb, fied, fy|ing. –v.t. 1. to give a good reason for: »The fine quality of the cloth justifies its high cost. 2. to show to be just or right: »Can you justify your act? SYNONYM(S): uphold, defend. 3 … Useful english dictionary
Good faith rule — Nardone gegen USA Entschieden 11. Dezember 1939 Rubrum: Frank C. Nardone et al … Deutsch Wikipedia
Jus aequum — Billigkeit ist im Recht die Beurteilung eines Rechtsfalles nach dem natürlichen Empfinden dafür, was gerecht ist. Der lateinische Ausdruck dafür Bonum et aequum, bono et aequo (engl. good and equitable) Gutes und Gleiches (Angemessenes) stammt… … Deutsch Wikipedia
jus est ars boni et aequi — /jas est arz bownay et iykway/ Law is the science of what is good and just … Black's law dictionary
jus est ars boni et aequi — /jas est arz bownay et iykway/ Law is the science of what is good and just … Black's law dictionary
jus est ars boni et aequi — Law is the science of that which is good and just … Ballentine's law dictionary
apices juris non sunt jus — apices juris non sunt jura [jus] /eypasiyz jiiras ndn sant jura (°jas)/ Extremities, or mere subtleties of law are not rules of law [are not law]. Legal principles must not be carried to their extreme consequences, without regard for equity and… … Black's law dictionary
apices juris non sunt jus — apices juris non sunt jura [jus] /eypasiyz jiiras ndn sant jura (°jas)/ Extremities, or mere subtleties of law are not rules of law [are not law]. Legal principles must not be carried to their extreme consequences, without regard for equity and… … Black's law dictionary
Quod ad jus naturale attinet, omnes homines aequales sunt — (Civil law.) It holds good, according to natural law, that all men are equal … Ballentine's law dictionary