- Villeneuve-sur-Yonne
French commune
x = 160
y = 99
department=Yonne (Prefecture)
arrondissement=Sens|canton=Villeneuve-sur-Yonne|insee=89464 |cp= 89500|maire=Cyril Boulleaux |mandat=2001 -2008 |intercomm=|lat_long = coord|48|04|56|N|3|17|51|E|type:city |alt moy= ??? m |alt mini= 68 m|alt maxi=206 m|hectares=4 000|km²=4 000|sans=5 404 |date-sans=1999
dens=135 |date-dens=1999Villeneuve-sur-Yonne is a French commune, situated in the département of
Yonne and régionBourgogne . It is surrounded by a partly intact wall, built during the 12th century, which was one of the 8 residences of the French kings.The inhabitants are called "Villeneuviennes/Villeneuviens". [cite web|url=http://amivv.free.fr/|title=Les amis du vieux Villeneuve-sur-Yonne|accessdate=2007-02-27]
The city lies on the bank of the River Yonne, between the cities of
Sens andJoigny .History
The city was founded in 1163 by
Louis VII of France to protect the kingdom of France at the boundary of the Champagne. In 1204Philippe Auguste held parliament in the city, and Saint Louis resided in the city before departing for theEighth Crusade . In 1594 the city was burnt down. During theFrench Revolution the name was changed from "le-Roi" (the king) to "sur-Yonne" (on the Yonne). In 1870 a memorial for the dead was designed by the sculptorÉmile Peynot . The city was governed from 1927 till 1935 by the infamous mayorMarcel Pétiot , who wasguillotine d in 1946, convicted of 27 killings.Demography
* Two main entrance gates to the city, Gate of
Sens and Gate ofJoigny . The Gate of Joigny or "Porte de Joigny" was rebuilt in the 16th century; the Gate of Sens, or "Porte de Sens", predates it by three hundred years and is similar in appearance. [cite web|url=http://www.au-chateau.com/auChateauNews05.htm|title=au-chateau.com|accessdate=2007-02-26]
* City market built during the 19th century byPaul Sédille .
* "La Lucarne aux Chouettes" or "The Owls' Nest" restaurant run byLeslie Caron , serving Burgundy specialities. The old dilapidatedboathouse was bought by her in 1990 on the suggestion ofJean Renoir . [cite web|url=http://www.newsday.com/travel/ny-trcaron4948163oct29,0,6402895.story?coll=ny-travel-datelines|title=Newsday.com|accessdate=2007-02-26]
* ANeolithic menhir situated on the bank of the river, called Pierre-Fritte or Plaine-des-Egriselles. [cite web|url=http://www.culture.gouv.fr/public/mistral/merimee_fr?ACTION=RETROUVER&REQ=((PA00113948)%20%3AREF%20)|title=Culture.gouv.fr|accessdate=2007-02-26]ister cities and twin cities
Horní Bříza ,Czech Republic
* Braubach am Rhein,Germany
* Collingham,United Kingdom ee also
Communes of the Yonne department External links
* [http://www.villeneuve-yonne.fr City Website]
* [http://www.ign.fr/affiche_rubrique.asp?rbr_id=1087&CommuneId=80624 Villeneuve-sur-Yonne onInstitut Géographique National website]
* [http://www.recensement.insee.fr/RP99/rp99/co_navigation.co_page?nivgeo=C&codgeo=89464&theme=ALL&typeprod=ALL&lang=FR&quelcas=LISTE Villeneuve-sur-Yonne atINSEE website]
* [http://www.quid.fr/communes.html?mode=query&req=Villeneuve-sur-Yonne Villeneuve-sur-Yonne on Quid.fr]
* [http://www.lion1906.com/Pages/ResultatProximiteCoord.php?RadLat1=0.839193089498508&RadLong1=0.0575522320876091 Communes close to Villeneuve-sur-Yonne]
* [http://www.lion1906.com/Pages/ResultatLocalisation.php?InseeVille=890464 Localisation of Villeneuve-sur-Yonne on map of France]
* [http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?latlongtype=decimal&latitude=48.0822222222222&longitude=3.2975&zoom=8 Map of Villeneuve-sur-Yonne on Mapquest.com]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.