Borgia Group

Borgia Group

The Borgia Group is the designation given by scholars to a number of mostly pre-Columbian documents from central Mexico, first identified by Eduard Seler. They are distinguished by their religious content, while the pre-Columbian codices of the Mixtec group are principally historical. The place of origin and creators of the codices has been a matter of debate.

The main members of the Borgia Group are:
*The Codex Borgia, after which the group is named. The codex is itself named after Cardinal Stefano Borgia, who owned it before it was acquired by the Vatican Library.
*The Codex Cospi.
*The Codex Fejérváry-Mayer.
*The Codex Laud.
*The Codex Vaticanus B.

Also sometimes included are:
*The Aubin Manuscript No. 20, or Fonds mexicain 20.
*The Codex Porfirio Díaz.

External links

* [ GBonline | Borgia Group of Codices]
* [ John Pohl's Mesoamerica — Borgia Group Codices]
* [ Realms of the Sacred in Daily Life: Early Written Records of Mesoamerica — Borgia Group]
* [ proper sequence of sections of codices in the Borgia group]

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